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"Birdie! It's time for school!" I'm woken up by the sound of my mothers loud voice

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"Birdie! It's time for school!" I'm woken up by the sound of my mothers loud voice. It's not an annoying voice, in fact it's quite a nice voice to wake up to in the morning. It's the things she says sometimes with that voice that puts me in a bad mood.

But, I push past it and focus on how I get to see my friends. Tatum, Hayven, Temperance and I have been best friends sense the first year of freshman year.

They know everything about me, well not everything.

Not that I'll ever tell anyone about that part of my life.

I hop down the stairs, swinging my bright pink back pack over my shoulder.

Did I mention I love pink because I do. I love Pink almost as much as I love ice cream. And that's saying a lot.

"Birdie, you need to take your pills. I noticed you've been gaining some weight lately. Probably from all that ice cream." She mutters that last part under her breath but I can hear her.

It used to sting when she would say that stuff, don't get me wrong it still kind of does but I've gotten used to it.

Plus, as she always says it's not good for her press if she has an over weight daughter who just eats ice cream.

My mother, Lydia Carrington use to be one of the highest paid models in the country but once she got pregnant with me she had to quit and now works for the modeling industry.

She often blames me for short ending model career and says my weight isn't making her look good as and ex model.

So she gives me these pills and barley lets me have ice cream or really any treat I like.

"Okay mom." I take the pills that are set out on the counter and chug it down with a glass of water.

"Let's go I can't be late for work and you need to get to school." She walks out the door with coat and wallet in hand.

I follow after her and shut the door.

As we drive off I feel my phone buzz.

UNKNOWN: Looks like your picture perfect mother isn't so picture perfect. Well I already new that but do you? But don't you worry she'll pay, maybe threw you.

Until next time Birdie,

How did they know my name and what do they mean my mother will pay?

You know what it's fine. It's probably just some dumb prank.

I chant that to myself as I clench and unclench my fists.

I push down the anxiety that I can feel trying to climb its way up my and out my throat.



It's just some dumb prank.

Calm down Birdie your being a fucking baby just like momma says.

"Hello," I hand waves in my face. "Earth to birdie. Did you here a thing I said." They annoyance in my moms voice is as clear as day.

I hate annoying her.

"No, I'm sorry what did you say?"

"I said, you need to cut back on the food. We're hosting a dinner party tomorrow night and I need you to fit in the dress I picked out for you."

"Yes of course mother I'll work on it." I say as she pulls up at my schools drop of line.

"Perfect. Now hurry of to school. See you tonight."

"Bye mom, love you." I say but she doesn't say it back she just reaches over and shuts the door once I've gotten out.

You need to try harder.

Otherwise she'll never say it back.

I walk through the school doors and head for my locker when I hear my name being called, "HEY BIRDIE!"


She may be kinda mean to everyone else but she's always had a soft spot for our friend group.

Me especially.

She puts a arm around my shoulder and drags me to our first period.

"What's wrong Birdie?" She looks down at me with a concerned look on her face.

That's another thing about Hayven she can always tell if something's wrong.

She cares about me. Why? I don't know.

"It's all good." I put on a bright smile.

One I've perfected over the years that even she believes.

"Good." She smiles back at me.

But the thing is it's not good.

You just have to deal with it like always.


How do you like Birdie so far?

Birdie and Cade will most likely meet in the next chapter so stay tuned.

I love birdie so far. What do you think of her?

I hope you enjoyed and don't forget to vote!

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