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What the fu-

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What the fu-.

My thought is cut off when the music that is currently playing gets louder.

Who the fuck is playing music at 4:30 in the morning on a Sunday.

I groan and rub my eyes as I step out of bed to see who the hell is on the other side of the wall.

I open my door and step into the hallway not worrying about waking up my parents because there on another business trip.

It's still pretty dark out side so the light coming from underneath the door is obvious. I push the door open only to see- what the fuckkkkk.

It's a girl jumping around her room with nothing but a bra and tiny shorts on.

Who the fuck is this! I mean don't get me wrong she's beautiful. Earth shatteringly beautiful.

Th most mesmerizing girl I think I've ever seen. And trust me I've seen a lot of girls, but none like her.

Her platinum blond hair bounces of her shoulders as her body moves up and down. Her  clothes do nothing to hide her milky pale skin and elegant curves. There something special about her that awakens a beast inside me.

But I push past those thoughts and the hardening of my dick and say, "What the hell are you doing in my house, blasting music at 4:35 in the morning."

The girl stops abruptly and she looks like her soul just left her body.

"WHO ARE YOU!" She yells holding a hand to her chest.

"I live in this house. Who are you?" I ask.

"Ohhhh. You must be Asher." She says looking me up and down. Her gaze stays on my abs for a little longer than the rest of my body. I clear my throat, which seems to startle her because her gaze meets mine again and her cheeks are all flushed.

A ghost of a smile appears on my lips but I ignore it. "Could you turn down the music, it's 4 something in the morning and your blasting god knows what."

"No I will not turn down my music. If it bugs you that much go sleep downstairs." She crosses her arms over her chest and shrugs, "I could care less what you do."

I step closer to her until our bodies are almost touching and look down into her stormy green grey eyes. There the most fascinating eyes I've ever seen and for some odd reason they make me want to get to know her more. I want to know why theres a hint of brokenness in them.

I feel a strange feeling creep up on me.

Protectiveness I'm guessing because the urge to beat the living crap out of the person who put that void in her eyes is almost overwhelming.

But once again I push past that and say, "Listen whatever your name is, this is my house and I need my beauty sleep which I can't do if your music is blaring from the goddamn speakers."

She pokes a finger into my chest and pushes me back a little. "First of all not amount of beauty sleep is going to make you look any less arrogant then you already do," Another poke. "And second of all I don't give two flying shits if this is your house because last I checked you don't pay the bills. Mommy and daddy do."

She pokes a couple more times until I find myself back in her door way. "Now get the hell out of my room."

"Sure thing shortcake, love the outfit by the way. It really shows off those silky curves." I grin as she scoffs and slams the door in my face.

Guess I won't be getting anymore sleep tonight because the music resumes even louder this time and my hard on is still very much there if not worse.

As I settle back down in my bed two thoughts pop into my mind.

Who the hell is this girl and why I'm I so attracted to her like no other girl I've been with before?

I choose to neglect those thoughts and close my eyes but stop when I spot a shadowy figure out side my window. I can't clearly see them but I can tell that their wearing all black.

They turn around to face me and I shut my eyes to make them think I'm asleep. I hear a thud and open my eyes again only too see them gone.

An unsettling feeling irrupts in my stomach but I push it down and try for sleep.

But it never comes.


How are you liking Emberly and Asher so far?

How do you like Asher so far?

How are you feeling about the stalker, they haven't done anything that bad yet but it's just getting started.

This chapter was pretty boring and I'm sorry the next couple ones probably will be because I'm just focusing on introducing the characters in their relationships and minor encounters with the stalker but I promise it will get better.

I hope you enjoyed and don't forget to vote!

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