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Hayven, Hayven

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Hayven, Hayven.

Is she alright.

That's the only thought on my mind as a knife is held to my throat.

My brain goes to a million possibilities and things that could have happened.

Things that could have happened to her.

But the thoughts get erased when I see in her peaking through the curtains on my window.

She's safe.

The look on her face tells me otherwise though.

Though I'm pretty far away I can make out the fear on her now paled face.

I wish I could tell her that I'm okay and not to come down but when the knife gets pushed a little deeper into my throat and blood is drawn, Hayven gives me one last concern filled glance and disappears from my window.

I know what she's thinking.

She's thinking that she needs to save me. She needs to come done here and help me so my throat doesn't get slit.

But she doesn't need to.

She can't.

If anything happens to her, if anything happens to her because she was trying to save me, I won't be able to live myself.

I can't, I won't live without her.

Even though the person behind me is holding me very tightly I mange to get my arm out of his grip and put some space between.

"So your the fucker who's been messing with my friends? What do you want from us?" I ask through gritted teeth.

They don't answer though.

They just tilt their head to the side and wipe their knife on their black coat.

"I won't allow you to hurt my friends." I say in a sharp tone. There all I have, sure I have my family but they don't care about me.

Not truly anyway.

If they had to chose between the family fortune and business or me, they'd forget about me in a heartbeat.

So I'll be damned if anything happens to the only people who have helped me through my demons.

They twirl the knife in their hand and lunge toward me.

I manage to dodge but get knocked over when something trips me.

I fall flat on my back and a hard heavy body lands on top of mine.

The stalker straddles my waist and go to stab my neck.

Thank god for hockey for teaching me how to have fast reflexes because I mange to grab their wrist before the knife makes contact with my skin.

He pushes hard but I keep a hard grip not letting it go anywhere.

"What do you want with us?"I say through a loose breath.

"I want you to pay." He mutters.

He pushes the knife father and makes it harder and harder for me to push it back.

I use all my strength but my hand slips.

I feel the cold tip pierce my neck a little before it's gone. And so is the weight of a heavy body.

I look to the side and see the stalker on their back.

The I look to my other side and see Hayven holding a frying pan.

She rushes to my side and cradles my face in her hands.

"Are you okay?" A tear falls from her beautiful brown eyes.

"Yeah, I'm okay. Are you ma belle?" I ask in a concern filled tone.

"Now that I know you're okay, of course." She smiles.

I look over and see that the stalkers gone.

"Where'd they go?" Hayven questions. Her body's shaking a little which means she's scared.

I get up a take her hand, "Come on let's go inside and text the others."

She nods and enters the door.

With one last look over my shoulder to make sure they're gone I head inside after her.

She's safe.


Second chapter section is officially done!


I hope you enjoyed and don't forget to vote!

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