The end

45 2 2

Word count : 160 words

Since the start of this book I said it would be pretty long but short and its end has come. I had allot of fun writing this book and I'm so sorry I didn't post this author's note 2 weeks ago, I completely forgot to write the end at the end of chapter 20 and I didn't wanna go back and repost it and leave you guys confused. 

I hope everyone that read this book loved it as much as I did. I will be writing new K-pop ship books and just ships in general, so if you would like to see a ship you like being written about just let me know and I would be more than glad to write one for you.

That was the end , Happy new years and thank you for reading my story. I hope 2024 comes with more books I could write that you guys could like and appreciate.

- The author <3

Old feelings-SeongjoongWhere stories live. Discover now