Part 11

46 3 0

Word count: 800 words

Seongwha's Pov : 

We pulled into the convience store parking lot and went inside in a hurry since the sun was setting way faster then we thought it would. me and hongjoong went seperate ways in the  store to go grab what we needed. I grabbed a couple of snacks and ramen for us to eat and I got a coke since that's my favorite drink. I went to the register and met up with hongjoong as we payed for everything and left the store.


We finally got to the picnic spot and set everything up right before the sunset fully left. we ate in silence and just watched the sunset peacefully enjoying eachother's compamy.

"Did u have fun today?" I asked breaking the silence.

"I had way more fun then I thought i would" hongjoong said with a chuckle.

"do u consider this a date?" I asked in a low voice.

"Do u want to consider it a date?" hongjoong asked as he looked at me.

"I mean , yeah I do" I said in a quieter voice then normal.

"Well , then it's a date" Hongjoong said as he smiled widly and continued eating his ramen. The silence fell upon us once again but this time it was calmer and I didnt feel the need to break it. We layed on the grass as soon as we finished eating and stared up at the stars.

"I love stars , they are so random in a way but without them the sky would be just empty" Hongjoong said pointing at this spot on the sky that created a bear like figure.

"Whats ur favorite planet?" Hongjoong said once again.

"Well I don't have a favorite planet but my favorite thing in the solar system has to be the sun , Its the only reason we get daylight and heat and its so beautifull in its own way" I said as I could feel hongjoong staring at me.

"Wow , that's so deep hongjoong said as we burst out laughing. I really enjoyed hongjoongs company and every second we were togheter I could feel myself falling more and more for him. 

"Why did u even like me in the first place?" I asked curiously as I sat up and looked at him.

"Well , I don't know. ive never really been able to explain why , i just know that I do and that there's no other way around it" hongjoong said as I nodded untill it hit me.

"What do u mean with I do?" I said as realized what he had said.

"I said that? I don't remember ever saying that" hongjoong said as he panicked and started drinking one of the drinks he had bought.

"U dont have to lie to me anymore u know" I said as i chuckled as he drank the whole drink in one go.

"This drink taste amazing" hongjoong said completely ignoring the question and pointing at the drink.

"Whatever u say hongjoong , whatever u say" I said shaking my head while smiling and laying back down besides him.

"I was really scared to tell u that day" Honjoong said as I remembered the day he first told me he liked me. I remember I completely ignored him and cut him off and the guilt feeling came back to me but worst this time.

"Im really sorry about the way I treated u before , I should have just listened to u and tried to fix my emotions instead of just shutting them off I said in a quiet tone.

"Its okay, I honestly would have probably done the same if I had internalized homophobia" Hongjoong said as he chuckled.

"Wanna go back to my house and I don't know , watch a movie togheter?" I asked.

"Sure , I just have to tell my mom before she kills me and hides my body under the house" hongjoong said with a straight face as he burst out laughing and pulled out his phone to text his mom. We threw away all the wrappers and plastic from the stuff we ate and put the rest in the car for the movie.

The car ride back to my house was silent until the radio started playing the song " Take me back To The Night We Met". That song always had a special place in my heart cause when I was apart from hongjoong that song made me feel understood. I felt exactly how the song explains it and truly wished I could go back to the day me and hongjoong met for the first time. Maybe then I wouldn't have hurt him when he told me he liked me and maybe would have tried to understand his feelings even if I had problems with mine at the time.


Old feelings-SeongjoongWhere stories live. Discover now