Part 3

71 3 8

Word count : 770 words

"U don't hate me?" I asked in a confused tone.

"Forget about it , do u want the tour or not?" he asked.

"If im forced to" I said sarcastically. We started walking out of the cafeteria when I bumped into someone in the hallway.

"Watch where ur going" the dude said loud asf.

"Ur the one that bumped into me" I said annoyed.

"What did u say" he said as he came closer to me.

"I said-" I was about to repeat when i got interrupted by seongwha.

"Leave him alone Mingi" Seongwha said as he got in between me and him. mingi looked at me and then at chase , he scoffed and walked away mumbling under his breathe.

"Who even was that?" I asked chase as he started walking again.

"He's my bestfriend and he lowkey has anger issues , try not to make him mad often" seongwha said still walking away.

"Then he shouldn't be bumping into people and blaming it on them" I said annoyed as seongwha stopped in his tracks.

"Listen , if ur gonna be in this school and u wanna make it out alive u need to learn to shut the fuck up" seongwha said with a straight face.

"Let's keep going with the tour , shall we?" He said as he smiled at me and I swear I saw him staring at my lips but I decided to ignore it. that was the first time seongwha had smiled at me in years and I still could feel butterflies in my stomach.

Theres no way I still like him... I thought to myself. 

I just decided to ignore my thoughts and tried to catch up with seongwha. while we were walking through the school a thought came into my head but I didn't know if to ask or not.

"Why did u get into a fight today in the morning and why did the principal look so used to it?" I finally asked as chase stopped walking.

"Cause people in this school are always searching for problems and im not gonna take shit from anyone anymore" chase said as he looked at me.

"anymore?" I questioned as I looked at chase.

"Don't worry about it" chase said as he kept walking making his way to what seemed like the music room. We walked into the music room and the first thing I did was walk over to the giant paino on the podium.

"U know how to play the piano?" Chase asked me as he put his bag down and sat down besides me on the piano seat.

"Yeah , I learned when I first got here. It took me a longtime tbh but it was worth the time and money" I said as I added the last part.

"We have to go to class" chase said with a dissapointed tone.

"Were in the same class?" I asked as I tried not to show excitement.

"Yes we are , don't get too excited though" He said as he slightly smirked.

"Im not even excite-" i said as chase interrupted me.

"sure , ur not" Chase said as he opened the door to a classroom and held it open for me to enter before him this time, a smile creeped up on my face as I walk into the class.

I walk in and all eyes are immediatly on me and I felt like my legs were glued on the spot. Chase walked in after me and grabbed my shoulder and walked me to the spot we were gonna sit at the back of the class.

"Why does everybody keep looking at me?" I asked 

"Cause you're new to the school and they don't know who u are" he said. "plus your cute" he said under his breathe quietly and looked around like he said nothing.

"What did u say?" I said acting like I didn't hear him.

"Nothing" He said with a straight face as the door opened and revealed our teacher.

"Who tf is that" I asked whispering.

"Its the math teacher" he whispered. "Don't do anything to make him upset or he will scream at u and send u to detention" chase whispered as the teacher cleared his throat looking around the class.

"Are u boys done?" the math teacher said to us as the whole class went quiet and we were frozen at our spot

"Thougt so" The teacher said pulling out his books from his bag.

"Hello class , my name is teacher montgomery( ifykyk) and I will be ur math teacher for this year. I don't tolerate talkback , complains or anything that will mess up my day and my head. Understood?" the math teacher said as everybody nodded there heads and started taking out there stuff.

Old feelings-SeongjoongWhere stories live. Discover now