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Bills POV

what the fuck did he do!?!? Why would he do that. He seemed to be getting better. Why would he do this to himself!?!?! We made a deal! When we were six that we would never leave each others side. How is mom going to find out. How is she going to act!?!?

I started to feel dizzy, light headed, and like my stomach was floating to the top of my throat. Tears rushed down my cheeks as I stared at Toms lifeless boddy, laying in that bed. I fell to my knees, not able to hold myself up.

My mind now empty. My hands cupping my face, my eyes hurting and my throat closing up, I can't breathe, it hurts so bad, I can't see, I can't think, only a loud ringing in my ears.

My body felt heavy, like I was going to die. I start to panic. I can't breathe, and I'm suffocating. My body's numb, like needles are being stuck inside my skin millions of time per and over again.

For one second. I can breathe. But immediately I shut down. A void infront of me.

Rebeccas POV

I run down stair realising what has happened. He killed himself.

Bill is unconscious on the ground my knees are weak, and I think I might go down too soon. And I need help.

I grab the home phone dialing 112 for an ambulance. Then after calling that. I dial 110 for the police.

Only minutes after that before they arrive I pass out on the ground.

3rd person POV

The ambulance and the police arrive. Knocking on the door. No one answers. They knock again, a little louder. Still no one.

The police unscrew the locks and open the door. Seeing Rebecca lying on the ground, the phone still in her hand. One of the paramedics attend to her as the others go upstairs. Police seeing Bill on the ground unconscious. And Tom on the bed, dead.

Paramedics attending to Bill and police to Tom. Checking everything about him before others come to check his pulse and how long he's been dead to see if they can resuscitate him. It's been over 15 hours. It's way past that. It's too late.

Tom is placed into a black body bad and onto a stretcher. Bill and Rebecca awake again. Rebeccas Parents and Ollie. Coming to see her. Simone with Bill but all together with Bill family and revecas family.

Bill and becca hugging and crying on each others shoulder.

Rebeccas POV

What am I gonna do? Shit!

A short chapter but still juicy. Another chapter is coming. And there will be a bit of Tom's pov next. Just for a bit of back story.

And if you or any other people are struggling reach out for help. It's better to tell the truth than it is to stay silent.

even more~Tom  and Bill Kaulitz Where stories live. Discover now