aint it fun

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We arrived at the party and were standing at the door. It was wide open, so we all walked in without hesitation.

Right away, a girl ran up to all of us. She hugged me, then Tom then, Georg, then Bill and then Gustav. "Sorry, do we know you?" I asked, confused and worried, as I might have just asked someone who I should definitely know if we knew her. "No, I'm just SUPER drunk. Sorry! But I LOVE your new song it's so nice! I was just sent a video from my boyfriend." She blurted out excitedly, her words slurd a bit, but we could understand her perfectly. She looked behind me at the band and smiled. "Also, my boyfriend loves you guys. Is it okay if he gets an autograph from you? He totally has a crush on you, Bill!" She managed to laugh out. I looked behind me and mouthed at the boys 'I like her', they all giggled before the girl tugged on my wrist, gesturing to go somewhere. I willingly followed her as I wanted to make girlfriends that get girls things, not that Bill and Tom are amazing at understanding me, just that a person I can text about what I should do when it comes to the boys.

"Do you smoke weed? Or are you not into that?" She questioned, pulling me towards a small room filled with smog. "Yes! Of course, how much is there?" I replied, eager for what. Was in stocks. "Well, I saved some, so I have a couple in my pocket, but this is just the room is like the hot box."

We entered the room and lit our joints, and the smoke filled my vision . The only things I could make out were the orange dots around the room. I finished my cone and was chatting with the girl, I was laughing at something she said, but everything was funny at that point. "Hey, what's your name?" I yelled out over the blasting music. "Kaycie!" She yelled out, mimicking me. "That's a really cute name." I wispered into her ear.

We were so close, I could feel her breath on my lips, suddenly she smashed her lips onto mine and we were making out. What the fuck am I doing? Why am I making out with a girl!? I questioned myself. I don't care, though. My lips melted onto hers. we were like one, and we have only known each other for 20 minutes, and it already feels like an eternity. She pulled away from me, and we both giggled. I turned around to see Bill sitting right next to me, I hadn't noticed, but he had been sitting there the whole time watching me without saying a word. He looked like he wanted to do so many things to me. He looked mad but lusty at the same time. "You like that, Bill?" I said with a smirk on my face. He grinned and nodded before I dived for his lips, keeping his face in place with my hand. I turned back to kaycie. "I might get lucky tonight!" I wispered in her ear. She smiled then started to kiss me again. She slowly started to move down to my jaw sucking and nipping at my skin. I felt Bills gaze burn holes into the back of my head, and a tight grip on my hips pulled me back swiftly. "Hey too far! That part is for Tom and I!" He scolded jokingly. "Yeah, yeah, sorry. I'm just trying to help." She laughed out. Me and Bill giggled at her comment. "So you Bill and Tom are a thing, that's not just a rumour?" She wispered, yelled into my ear. "Most likely yes. But honestly, they are so good. You should totally get yourself some hot twins! It's the BEST!" I blurted out. She giggled and then nodded. "Will do." She added before pushing me onto Bill.

His hands gripped onto my waist, keeping me from getting lost while making our way to the kitchen island where the drinks were. We saw Tom pouring himself drinks while stumbling everywhere to different sides of the bench. "How is he so drunk already?" I giggled.

Wrong had made it to the table standing next to Tom. He pulled me into a tight hold, murmuring slurd words into my ears. I giggled at his attempts at speaking.

Toms POV
She walked out with red lipstick on her lips. I know she must have been with that girl she walked with to that room. That girl had beaming bright red lipstick on. It was obvious what had happened. Even just that jolted me up a bit to get her closer to me.

"Baby, I know what you've done, and I need you to do it again for me." I wispered into her ears. Rebecca just laughed. I don't know if she heard me. She is so beautiful no matter what, when she's high when she's drunk when she tired, when she's happy amd even when she's sad. What is she doing to me. Why am I not having the desire to go with other girls to some random persons bedroom. She has some hold on me. Hell, even I pushed some girl away from me who I usually would definitely absolutely take back to the hotel. Why did I do that. We haven't even fucked in a while week. She's so pretty.

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