love drug

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We had made our way over to the restaurant stepping in, Tom's arm around my waist and Bill' resting on my shoulder. People looked at us as a teenage girl came screaming and running up to us, asking all the boys for an autograph on a napkin. We had sat down and the girl that had previously ran up to us was still staring. Especially at Bill. I was kind of annoyed from her actions, so I decided to take it into my own hands. I pulled Bills face closer to mine smashing my lips into his. I heard a loud grunt from her direction, I smiled as his tongue slipped into my mouth with ease. I broke away from the kiss to see that she looked jealous and pissed at me. "What about me!" Tom said jokingly annoyed at me for randomly kissing his brother. I smiled and giggled before leaning closer to him and making out with him only for a couple seconds before a waitress came to our table. She was pretty and was definitely Tom's type. She almost looked like me but with smaller boobs and smaller butt. She placed the menus down in front of Tom making sure to lean over for him to see her cleavage. He grasped my thigh, squeezing it tightly, looking down at his feet. I gave the waitress a small smile and said thank you, she left with a dirty look on her face, as her desperate attempts didn't attract the boy.

Our plates shortly arrived with my big bowl of pasta, my mouth watered at the sight of food as I hadn't eaten all day. "Mmm." I hummed out.

We were all full from the absolute massive portions of food. I had a couple glasses of wine making me slightly buzzed. "O. M. G I should go to the karaoke thingy! It would be so fun! So who's going with me?" I asked with excitement. "Well there is a singer at the table." Georg laughed. "Fine, fine, okay, I'll come up with you, Rebecca." Bill sighed. I had just left the booth we were sitting at and was jumping already but Bill words made me extra happy. I looked like a five year old getting a bag of gummys or a five dollar bill. Bill giggled while leading me toward the stage. (I know this isn't the year the song was made in, but just go with me.) Rebecca requested a song that both of them knew. Bill glanced at Rebecca. She is so beautiful, she was the universe, he could marry her on the spot, keep a painting of her infront of him for the rest of his years, he would do crazy thing with her skin and blood just to be closer to her. Int hat moment. That so very short moment Bill felt as though he could die from her smile and her features. Words couldn't explain how he felt about Rebecca.

Bill was so blinded by her he didn't even realise she started singing. Her voice made him sleepy. It put him in a daze of love and admiration. Her voice was more beautiful than the night sky itself. It had come to his part in the song where he had to sing but he couldn't his voice couldn't come out no matter how hard he tried, he still didn't care. It was like they were in a void of darkness, no one else there, only them. She looked at him worried. He felt a hard hit to his head. The last thing he saw was Rebecca towered over him scared and worried, almost crying.

Bills POV
My head ached, beeping and TVs seemed as though they were as loud as a bomb blasting. I groaned slowly opening my eyes. "He's awake!" I heard Rebeccas voice pacing towards me I couldn't help but smile, I felt fine I was just super sleepy. It was dark outside, but the room was lit up by the televisions blue light. I was engulfed in Rebeccas arms, her soft fingers caressing my face slowly. "I love you. Don't ever leave me, I can't live without you my love." I wispered under my breath completely ignoring the facts I was in a hospital bed. "And your voice it's perfect, you have to sing for us and the band will help you perform for every one!" I didn't care what happened to me all I was thinking about was her. "Calm down Bill, you still have to stay here for the night then you can leave. They said some one drugged your drink or something so they just have to keep you to make sure mouthing happens." Rebecca coo'd into my ear softly as she slightly chuckled.

Rebeccas POV
We had to go to the concert in a week but Bill was in hospital so I don't know what people would think but luckily he was definitely able to go. He hit his head pretty hard and I wish I could find that cunt who spiked his drink. WHO THE FUCK SPIKES A LEMON LIME BITTERS. That's like the dumbest drink to spike. When you think of someone spiking a drink, you think people in a raid with alcohol automatically. But at a fancy restaurant and drugging a non-alcoholic drink is out of the blue. The drug must've went pretty hard on him as he looked like he drunk a whole bottle of vodka and then smoked 5 cones (if you don't know what a cone is, it's just a joint(weed) he seemed so happy and almost like he was in heaven like he just had the best day of his life, all he was doing was talking g about me, he didn't even care about any one else, it was sweet but concerning at the same time. He always complimented me but he never acted so zummped.

Bill was out of the hospital and the band and I were at the studio Bill booked for us, every one thought I sounded great and thought I could get into something with this. The got everthing ready and set up. I copied the pages of notes so they knew what to play. I stood up to the microphone, tool a deep breath. "3. 2. 1." Gustav wispered loud enough to hear.

This was a bit shorter than what I usually do but I liked it and enjoyed writing it. Also the song I put at the top are the songs she 'made' and also ignore the fact I put apocalypse in the the chapter before this cuz I'm going to put it in the next one, just pretend it's a more feminine voice singing it. XOXO. Tilly

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