what happened?

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I woke up next to Tom, he was still asleep and still. An empty box of sleeping pills next to him, hmm ill have to get some new ones today, he finished those off.

I walked out to the kitchen, Bill was in his room as I saw him in bed, also still asleep. Not surprised, sleep is awesome.

I don't have enough motivation to do anything. I laid down on the couch watching the morning news... for a couple hours.

But after about two hours of the TV I finally saw Bill come down the stairs, yawning and rubbing his eyes. "Morning Angel." He said in his beautiful morning voice. "Morning handsome." I replied back. He walked towards me, slumping down on the chair next to me and changing the channels to watch a movie.

He picked mean girls, also again not surprised, it's an awesome movie. And one of my faves. We watched all of that and by this time it's 1138am usually Tom is up by now, but we'll let him have his beauty sleep. He probably didn't get much sleep last night anyway.

After a little while of watching mean girls, Bill and I decide to go get brunch. We go go mc Donald's and get the usual. A cheeseburger happy meal, with a milkshake for Bill, and for me, just a large chips and a coke.

After that I texted Tom for when he wakes up, so he isn't wondering where we are.

Bill and I have gone out to the mall, just thought I'd tell you so you won't worry when you get up. Love you so much and I'll see you soon handsome XXX.

We walked the short distance to the mall, going into all types of shops and spending heaps of money. I was wondering akk day why Tom didn't get up. As I'm still on delivered and it's 130 pm now.

Bill and I made our way home, by walking as we thought it would be nice to go on a walk, on such an amazing day like this.

It's 2 pm and we're at the door step, knocking on the door... nothing.

Another 3 knocks... still nothing.

Finally Bill and I decide to just go around the back door, opening it, and disabling the alarms. Even after all of that noise. Tom still didn't wake up. I could tell because I heard no shuffling upstairs or footsteps.

I give Bill a concerned look, he gives it right back. "Queeni. I think we should go see why he sleeping soooo much. He probably didn't sleep last night, and that's not good at all. The therapist said he had to go to sleep at 11pm at most." Bill huffed.

I nodded and we walked our way upstairs. Slowly opening the door. A loud creak aswell... Tom hasn't budged since I last saw him. And that was a couple hours ago.

I walk up to sleeping beauty, placing my hand on his bair shoulder and nudging it slightly... nothing... again but a little harder... nothing... this time I shake his body a bunch, surely to wake him up... absolutely nothing... it was like he was a flexible mannequin.

I start to panic and so does Bill. I slap Tom across the face, my breathing is heavy and fast, I realise the empty box of sleeping pills I saw. I got those yesterday.

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