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We make our way through the back in single file line in order of Bill, Tom, me, Georg, and last Gustav, we make it to the back of the house and find a massive glass wall giving a veiw of the inside of the house, "holy shit, is this actually your house, it's massive"i breathe out in aww "yeah, there is just something you don't know about us... yet," Tom unlocks a sliding glass door with a small key. Immediately, an alarm goes off, Bill quickly deactivates the alarm, "Do you want a tour, becca?" Bill adds, "yeah, sure..."
I say in a sort of suspicion, "this is my room, this is Tom's room" Bill continued to show me both his room and Tom's room, Tom's room was accompanied by playboy posters, girls with bikinis and even just posters of girl boobs, I chuckle quietly as I see multiple different bras on the ground all different sizes, I realise soon after that he is just a slut as me, Bills room was littered with black clothes, shoes hair spray cans and make up but also some how in a clean manner.


Bill leads us down to a dark room with posters of themselves and more posters of women on the wall, couches, bean bags, chairs, tables, and music equipment. My eyes darted around the room, confused as to why there were posters saying tokio hotel, schrei, and more with photos of them younger, with shorter hair and with chubbier cheeks, "what are these" I asked confused, pointing towards all of the poster of them "we can play you something, if you'd like?"Georg offered "Omg yeah please do!" I said excitedly, everyone giggles' at my reaction, Gustav sits at the drums, Georg picks up a bass guitar, Tom picks up an electric guitar, and Bill grabs a microphone. Tom and Georg start playing their instruments slowly before Gustav starts fading in with his drums, the music increases speed and volume by the second, getting more aggressive, Bill starts singing, "du stehst auf und kriegst gesgt, wohin du geh'n sollst" Bill starts singing " wenn du da bist, hörst du auch noch, was du denken sollst" Bill finishes his song and I applaud the bands performance "Oh my god I think heard that on the radio, what's it called?" I ask, entertained and thrilled for their answer, Bill inhaled about to speak before Tom interrupted, "it's called schrei!" He blurted out, "Wait... so are you famous or something?" I ask in utter confusion, "yeah, I'm honestly surprised you didn't know about us. Almost every girl in the world knows about us, " Tom had explained. All of a sudden, Bill gasped out of the blue, and he obviously had an idea."OH. MY. GOSH! Ya know what we should do tonight, ya know, since mum isn't here for the week... A PARTY, DUHH" Bill pronounced, everyone nodded in agreement. "Do you know anyone, becca?" Gustav wanted to know. "Umm, no, but my brother would love to come. He's only a year younger than me, if that's alright?" I made clear. "Yeah, sure, he can come, as long as he's up for drinking or not dobbing us out," Tom answered, emphasising the 'or'


Toms POV
The loud music was blaring, girls were following me, and Rebeccas' brother, Ollie, is beside me, trying to stay with someone he can trust. "WHY ARE ALL THESE GIRLS FOLLING US" Ollie yelled, trying to let me hear him.
"WHY?" Ollie asked in confusion. "BECUASE THEY WANT TO GET IN MY PANTS," I answer back. "SORRY FOR ASKING SO MANY QUESTIONS BUT STILL, WHY?" Ollie was so confused he had so many questions, him and Rebecca had no idea who Tokio Hotel was, "HOLD ON, WE CAN GO GET SOME DRINKS, AND GO CHAT SOMEWHERE!" I yelled back, still struggling to hear him "OK" Ollie answered. we grab some drinks and make our way to my room so we have somewhere a little bit more quiet to speak "wow" I hear from Ollie as he sees the posters on my walls, "why don't you take a picture, it will last longer" I managed to spit out through my chuckles "gladly" Ollie laughs too. "There's so many. How does your mum let you have all these?" Ollie adds in complete aww from all the naked women he saw. "Have you ever tried putting them on your wall," I add. "No, I guess I never really thought she would let me," Ollie adds on, surprised as though he just predicted what his mum thoughts were. "Well, my mom was too shocked and disgusted she just didn't say anything and gave up," I said with a grin on my face. "Back to what I was saying before... why do girls want to get in your pants so much?" Ollie giggled with a little embarrassment in his grin. "Becuase I had sex with a bunch of girls one year and everyone knows because they all told their friends and it went around on Facebook saying how good I was at it and shit, then it went on interviews with us" I added on still smiling. "Holy shit, how many?" Ollie questioned. "Uhmm, I think 25 girls," I said proudly and confidently. "Is that why my sister is here!, she wants to have sex with you!?" He asked, disgusted and shocked. " No, but I think she's pre-," we get interrupted by Rebecca barging in the door unannounced. "OH MY GOD, THANK GOD YOUR HERE. Some girls were trying to beat me up because they think I'm banging you or something, saying that you're 'theirs'," Rebecca complains while gripping my arms, almost collapsing. "Damn, you're drunk," Ollie says while laughing at his sister. "Oi tell your mom she's staying at a friends' house tonight, I think she needs to sleep." I chuckle lightly. "Do you have any clothes she would wear?" Ollie asked, concerned for his sister. "Ja, she can use some of Bills, I'm sure he has something she likes. Here, help me put her in my bed" I requested from Ollie. "Ok um ill say here for now until the party dies, but for now, you can go back down if you want." Ollie seemed like he thought I was going to touch her or rape her even, I suppose he would have the right to think like that as I did just tell him about what happened with all those girls and also the fact that she's in my bed. "Ok bro, see you soon." I tell him I'd see him soon and head back down to find Bill, shortly after I find him due to his big hair standing out in the crowd. "Hey Bill, Rebecca is upstairs in my room she is really drunk, so she's sleeping here tonight." I tell Bill with a small smile. "Ok, where is her brother he should get home if she's not supervising him," Bill adds, concerned a little. "He's upstairs making sure no one goes near her. He said he would stay up there till the party dies down, then he will leave, " I say, reassuring my brother.


Rebeccas' POV
I ran into Bills room, hoping to find Bill, only to see some guy and girl making out on his bed. I shut the door as quickly as possible and then try to find Gustav or Georg around the house, I can't find those two, so I make my way to Tom's room to see my brother and Tom chatting. "OH MY GOD, THANK GOD YOUR HERE. Some girls were trying to beat me up because they think I'm banging you or something, saying that you're 'theirs'," I complain as I'm clinging on to Tom. My eyes feel heavy, so I close them, but making sure I don't go to sleep. "damn, you're drunk" my brother laughs at me. "Oi tell your mom she's staying at a friends' house tonight, I think she needs to sleep." Tom says with concern in his voice. The put me in Toms bed, I'm under Toms covers and his smell floods my nostrils calming me down and forcing me to drift off to sleep.


My eyes slightly flutter open due to the sound of chattering beside me, it's Tom and Bill, I could tell it was morning as I could hear birds chirping and it wasn't dark any more, I look over to see Tom and Bill, both shirtless. "Thas hot." I mumble to myself making sure they wouldn't hear, but they did, "did you just say we're hot?" Bill questioned also flirting at the same time. "maybe I did." I say, as I didn't think they would hear me, I stand up surprised that I didn't have a headache, rub my eye and walk in between the twins and stroke their abs as I walk past them to the door way, as I walk out the door I hear both of the twins talk in sink to each other. "Shit" they both breathe out, I grin to myself as I know they liked it, and walk to the bath room amd close the door.


There was a Lil spice there at the end I hope you enjoyed although these past chapters have been a lil boring it will get better trust the process... please just trust me omd but don't forget to vote. XOXO tilly 😘

even more~Tom  and Bill Kaulitz Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang