Abortion day

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Today was the day I got my abortion. The band and I had only been here a day, but nothing much happened yesterday.

I was getting ready to go out to get the abortion. Honestly, I was really nervous. What if I backed out and ended up having a baby with Tom and Bill Kaulitz. A child with two dads and both of their dads being their uncles at the same time. How would that work? Would I stop talking to one of them and only one? I am so panicked.

"Ready to go, Becca?" Said Tom from outside my door. I snapped out of my thoughts and jumped little. "Yeah, I'm coming." I replied, still nervous for today. Not even one of the boys could come in the room. All I had was a bunch of docter sticking things inside of me like they were a company testing on animals, and I was one of the bunny's. It needed to happen, though...

We were out the front of the office, and the whole band was there. Both G's knew about what was going on with me and the twins. They were pretty freaked put, but they didn't treat me or the boys any different. We walked inside right on time.

As I approached the desk of the office. I tighten my grip on the boys' hands. "We are here for an appointment under Ceil." Bill explained to me. "Sure, just take a seat over on the green seats, and we will have a doctor with you right away." The kind lady in her 20s said happily. Her warm smile calmed me a little.

"Rebecca Ceil!" A doctor slightly yelled from the hallway. "Shit." I mumbled under my breath. "It's okay. Just remember to breathe." Tomas voice softened my muscles. He pulled my face closer to his and pressed his lips against fine in a comforting way, nothing more. I turned my head to look at the doctor. "You'll be okay." Bill said reassuringly before pulling me in for a kiss.

I am lying down on the operation bed with a gown over my cold body. Some doctors entered the room alond with a middle-aged woman who looked soft and comfortable to be around.
"Hello Ms Ceil, we will be operating on you today, and this is Morgan. She will be there for you, the whole operation helping you through it. If you need you can sqeeze her hand or we can get you a stress ball if you would like." The eldest docter explained to me calmly. They all seemed really comforting. It was their job after all, but it was like being with Tom and Bill when I needed them when we were at the gas station.

I was awake the whole time I got my abortion. It did hurt, but not as much as I thought it would. They gave me some sort of adult diaper, as they explained before I had the surgery that I would bleed for a couple of days after.


Bills POV
We were back at the hotel, and we booked four rooms as we thought Rebecca would be sleeping with Tom and I for the night we were there. We had to go to an interview, and Rebecca was told to come by some of the producers. She didn't want to come as you would be able to see the diaper things she was given. She didn't want people to see them, so Tom lent her some of his smaller pairs of jeans. She had them on,  he wasthe diaper couldn't be seen. She wore a red shirt to go with it. She is so beautiful in anything she wears baggy or not. She was so pretty and sweet, I could look at her for days and not get bored. She is so mesmerising. I know I love her. But what will I do about Tom. I still don't t know if we will just both date her?.

Rebeccas POV
I was lying in bed when Bill reminded me that we had an interview today and that I had to get ready. Tom had lined me some baggy jeans to cover up that stupid diaper thing I had on. Besides Tom slutty personality he was a really good and caring person deep down, he does have a warm heart once you get to know him. Bill was dancing and singing in the bathroom, to one of his favourite songs by Nena, she was his idol. It's so sweet and filling when you see him so happy. He's kind of like Tom aswell but it's mainly just his looks that fool people. They think he's an emo depressed bum but he always super happy and always has a smile on his face that spreads to every one, his happiness is like a virus, although when he does want to say something about what he's going through he let's it all out.

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