new girl

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(The photo above is what Rebecca looks like)

my ears were drowned with the beeping chimes of my alarm, I groaned and shuffled in bed before brought the courage to stand up as I needed to loon good for my first day I ran to the shower to get ready as fast as possible for school, I kicked of my clothes and jumped in the shower once it was warm, letting the water run through my hair amd down my back I sighed in relief when I was finally warm, I then washed my hair body and face, I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around my body tightly then following on to wrap my hair with another towel, I looked myself in the mirror to make sure I looked okay and then continued to do my skin care. I got changed into some pretty and revealing clothes to wear as this was the first time I was able to wear what ever I wanted to school I picked out some denim blue flared pants, a blue tank top some small heel grey sandals, a grey hello kitty ivy cap and accessories. After I got changed I did my make up and headed down stairs to see what I had for breakfast, I jumped down stairs to see my brother hurrying me to get out the door, we were already late on our very first day of school, not only that we had to walk but in this case run. We got to the school doors and parked out separate way to go to our grade my brother went further down the hall than me as he was in year 10 and I was in year 11i barged into class to a teacher marking the role "Mrs Ceil, it's about time you showed up" he exclaimed in a jokingly annoyed tone, a flashed a smile "sorry I'm late sir" I hear a voice from behind me, a tall boy brushes past "who's this sir" he exclaimed looking me up and down as makes his way to his seat "ok every this is our new student Rebecca Ceil" gesturing towards me "she comes all the way from Australia, why don't you introduce yourself and tell us a fun fact about you self?" The teacher asked politely "hi im Rebecca and..." I think for a second as I don't really have anything that interests people other than me being a 'slut' "I really love to listen to music,... I guess?" I say in a confused tone, every one applauded "you can sit behind those two boys right over there" he points the boy who was late and an unusual but pretty boy "thank you" I exhaled as I rush to the seat behind them as I'm walking past the unusual black haired boy I glanced at him an the late boy with dreads, when I'm walking past them I run my hand along his shoulder in a flirty manner gestured at both of them, through the most of the class my gaze doesn't move of the back of their heads, the dreaded boy stands up and heads towards the front of the class room he grabs a tissue and then pretends to wipe his nose as he walking past me to the bin he drops a folded piece of paper on my desk, he throws his tissue in the bin then sits down next to the black haired boy I glance at them then rummage with the note trying to open it, it reads 'eat with us at lunch we can talk' the note is signed of with a little character that looks like the black haired boy and it says his name is Bill, it goes for the same with the dreaded boys character, his name is Tom. I write back in the same paper they gave me '90******, ok see you then:)' I wnd the sentence with a smiley face.


I walk out of my period 2 class heading towards the cafeteria to find the boys, I see the boys and walk towards their table, there is 2 other boys sitting with them one with long straight brown hair and one with short curly-ish blonde hair, I walk closer to them and then sit down next to them "hey" I say in an excited tone the two other boys I know look confused and it's quiet for a minute "this is Rebecca she's new here from... um AUSTRALIA, that's right, " Bill exclaimed excitedly, breaking the sudden silence, "does she know?" The short haird boy whispered to Bill."I don't know, do know of the band tokio hotel, Rebecca??" Bill asked me, I shook my head in confusion why they were asking me if I knew about a band. Shortly after, the blonde boy and brown haired boys introduce themselves as Georg and Gustav.


I was in Math class sitting next to Tom when I felt a tap on my shoulder, Tom asked me a question, "Do you want to come over to mine after school?", "sure I'll text my mum," I say before taking my phone out and texting my mum
hey mum, I'm going over to a friend's place after school, so I will be home late

Ok love, see you soon don't stay there too long

okay, mum, thank you so much. Love you.


"Ok, I can come over, " I tell Tom right before the bell chimes "great come on we'll go get the others" Tom says with a smile on his face forcing my face to smile aswell, his smile I'd like a virus, any time he smiles it make me smile, he's pretty.
We are walking to Tom's place, all chatting, Tom and Bill stop talking start slowing down for some reason, I turn my head around as they just started randomly walking behind me and notice they are looking at my ass my skirt had hitched up and they could see my thong, I just laugh and keep walking letting the enjoy the view.


We make it to Tom's house, and he mentions something that shocked me. "Our mom isn't here, so we have to go through the back," he said unfased "our...mum?" I ask, emphasising 'our'
"Oh yeah, me and Tom are twins," Bill explains, "WHAT HOW DID I NOT KNOW, ARE YOU TWO IDENTICAL?!?!"I yell confused and shocked "yeah we are identical he just wear make up and made himself like the polar opposite to what I look like, " Tom says, still unfased.

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