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The original version of the song is not found on Spotify, but you all can listen to the cover versions, they all have the same vibe.

" I see. So all we need is a smart bet to win."

"Those are the wierdest rules ever." Win heard Bright say on the line.

"I would like to have a solo match with you first. Since it's your first time here." Dara stated.

"Sure." Win agreed.

"Do any of you have any objections?" The dealer girl asked.

"No." The two said.

"Alright. Then let's begin. Choice Poker."

Now, those rules were downright unfair. Any way you slice it, those rules would put Win at a huge disadvantage. His chances of winning were pretty much zero.

In normal poker, the person with more money has the edge. If you have more funds, you can put pressure on your opponent by raising. So if your opponent is intimidated into folding, you can win regardless of the strength of your hand. That's why poker is known as a game where you can force a fold.

But here, the player who gets the right to choose, can twist the rules for his or her own benefit.

It's a completely rigged, unfair system.

In simpler terms, only one player can ever count on a stready stream of strong hands in this game.

"One chip will be worth ten million baht. How many do you want?"

"Since I have around,410 million baht in person, I'll have 41 chips." Win states, and soon  there were forty one chips placed infront of Win.

"Let's see, to start with, I'll take, a hundred chips." Dara said, with a smirk on her face.

" Are you kidding me? A hundred chips!?? One billion!?" Bright screamed in shock.

" First the participation fee. Each of you will give in one chip."

Win threw in one of his red, ten thousand baht chips on the middle of the table along with Data.

"Oh. I forgot ask. How do we know which hand in stronger if we both draw high?" Win asked as the dealer provided cards.

" If you both draw high cards, even one card of a higher rank wins."

"Oh alright." Win flashed a handsome, yet eerie smile.

"I trade two cards." Win threw out two of his cards from the deck.

"Swap one for me."

"Now is your betting period" the dealer declared.

Dara thought. Win threw out a king and a jack out. If he's trying to manufacture a weaker hand, it's only natural he'd toss his higher rank cards. However, she still couldn't rule out the possibility that he still has a three-of-a-kind remaining in his current one. Even if it's a garbage hand, he might have an ace tucked away. Maybe he's pretending to hope for a weaker hand, in order to try fooling her into choosing stronger hand. Her hand was crap. It fell short of a straight. What's he really gunning for? Stronger or weaker hand? She'll need more intel for her estimates. She'll test him.

"I'll bet ten chips." Dara had pushed ten of her chips infront of her.

"Mr.Win, are you going raise him?" The dealer turned her head towards him.

Win thought. "I raise you ten chips for a total of twenty-one."

"Win what on Earth are you doing!? You have thirty-one chips total."

"Ms. Dara, do you want to raise?"

"No, no need for that."

"Since Mr. Win bet more, he wins the right to choose."

"I choose... Stronger hand."

"Alright. Three. Two. One. Showdown!"

The two threw both their cards.

"High card." Win stated.

"High card." Dara stated.

"Mr. Win is the winner since he has an Ace, a king and two jacks. and Dara had a Two, a nine and a king as well as a Jack."

"Thank God. Atleast that gives you a little breathing room." Bright spoke through the hearing device.

"Ms. Dara, I practically took half of your net worth didn't I?"

"Mister, this is just the first game. Don't get too overconfident. It'll make you pay." Dara smirked. With a little anger behind it.

"Alright. Let's move on to the next game-"

"Uh no thanks. I won't play anymore." Win stood up. He took a last sip of his drink and looked at the dealer and spoke while pointing at it." Nice drink."  and went out of the hotel.









Win went out of the hotel and and sat inside the car.

"I didn't know you knew how to play poker." Bright asked as he started driving.

"I used to gamble before I met you again. Mostly when I was in college."

Win smiled as he looked at Bright.

"Geez it's so cold." Win caressed his arms as he looked out the window.

"Let's go home first, then I'll make you warm"

"You're such a perv." Win playfully hit Bright on his shoulder.

"And you're in love with this perv." Bright pointed at himself. As he continued. "You even like it when this perv does pervy things to you" Bright laughed.

"Yes. I. Love. You."

" I love you too. " Bright pecked Win's cheeks and got back to driving.







"So, they're staying at that Metawin's Son's house?"

"Yeah and his boyfriend showed up at the casino today. He even won the game from me. He's a player."

"Oh really? After breaking the partnership with me, he really thinks he can live in peace?"

" Definitely not."

Helloooo y'all. I'm back. There was an exhibition at my school yesterday, and my crush showed up. I had sort of dressed up for him ( \\°. °\\)  and we shared a few eye contacts. I couldn't even celebrate since my mom was with me.

Anyways, what do y'all think is Bright's father planning?  Were near the ending though.

Anyways, byeeee stay safe and healthy<3 and enjoyyy<3

Lies Of The Fake Flower [Brightwin]Where stories live. Discover now