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For those who might get confused- please play TRY by BRIGHT. And you just have to play it because if you don't, you won't get the vibes for this chapter.

"Win. I think we have to got home right now. We need to have a talk." Bright said as looked at Win with a

3rd Person POV:

Bright drove the car emotionlessly. His eyes showed nothing but agony and sorrow. His face was pale white from the temper he had. His hands gripped the steering wheel in a violent manner making his knuckles go white.

He was driving the car in an awfully fast speed.

He was upset. And angry. For a reason which Win had no idea about. He just felt confused. But his mind, it was scared. Scared of two things. One was that Bright had Win's phone in his hands, as soon as he got out of the shower. Second is the fear of getting caught by Bright. Getting caught about his plan. A plan which he brought upon himself. A plan which made him suffer more later. A plan which might ruin him later.

Win sighed. And tried to break the awkward silence between them.

"Bright. Will you atleast talk about-"

"Don't you dare utter a single word. If you do, then just know that I won't spare you." He interupted in a deep, cold voice.

About 2 hours later, Bright pulled the brakes abruptly. This caused Win to flinch from the sudden brake. When he looked over at Bright, he saw that he was already alone in the car.

He hurriedly got out of the car only to find out they were at Bright's mansion. But he minded it less and went running inside the mansion.

Once he went in, all he could hear was the clicking of his and Bright's shoes. As Bright was about to go inside the room, Win pulled him towards him.

"Bright would you even explain what happened?" Win asked. Frustrated.

"Don't you have something to tell me instead?" He asked in disbelief.

"what Bright?" Win asked confused.

" Nevermind. You don't have anything to explain. You are just using me after all."

"Use you? What do you even mean Bright?"

" The information. I just realised you used me for information. Did you check your phone yet? You got some confidential information about my father. Hope you got it." Bright said as he let out a fake smile.

He was about to turn away when he was stopped by a depressed Win.

" What information Bright? Why would I even want confidential information about your father?" Win tried to atleast save his revenge.

" Apparently, you're using me for some reason which I have no idea about and I don't wanna know either. So lets just split up." He said as he pulled Win's hand from his own.

Bright had found out.

And that was Win's worst fear.

Win again turned Bright towards him and cupped his face. And spoke.

" I never wanted to use you. And I still don't. I had my own reasons. And I'll tell them all to you." Win's face was stern. He had a small pout on his lips.

And Bright went silent.

" Come lets talk in the dining." Win said as he pulled Bright behind him.

He made bright sit on that same seat he always used. And sat on the one which made him feel close to Bright. Right beside him.

Win sighed. Then he began.

"Remember when it got out that my parents are no more?" Win asked.

Bright just nodded as he dropped his head down.

"Your father killed them."

And suddenly Bright picked his head up in surprise.

" Remember your father used to have a brewery before? And he closed it as soon as my father passed away? That's because my father was poisoned. By him. From his beer."

" But he told me that he closed it because the sales weren't going-"

" He obviously wouldn't just tell his family that he murdered someone. Apparently, he thought that he would be able to merge my dad's company and get all of its profit. But what he missed was me. He forgot that I will take over once I get older."

"But who kept the company in place when you were a kid?" Bright asked.

" My aunt. My father's sister. She was the one who helped to keep the company in place when my parents passed away."

"And what about my father?"

" She rejected his offer. Once I got older, she gave the company to me. She is really like my own mom." Win looked down as he lightly smiled.


" As I got older, and went to high school, I met Ohm. We were best friends back then. He helps me get information about your father. I wanted to take revenge of what he had don't to my life. To my parents. And that's why I approached you. But looks like fate had another plan. I met you at that cemetery that day. And fell for you." Win said as he looked at Bright.

And suddenly Bright cupped his face. And made him look at him in the eyes.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for shouting at you. I'm sorry for not being there for you when I should've been. I'm sorry for everything."

" No you don't need to be sorry. You getting angry at me was justified. It's just, I couldn't tell you. But I love you so much, how could I keep hiding this from you after you had found out?"

Bright pecked Win's lips.

" C'mon. don't turn me on again. You know this is not the time to do all this."

" Wait you get turned on by just a peck from me?" Bright said as he started grinning. And started planting kisses all over Win's face.

Win chuckled as he said. "Alright alright. But don't you have something to tell me too?"

"Uhh what?"

" That you knew me since high school? And we could've been together since then?"


Sorry for the late update... I was.. well...busy in some controversy between my friends. But we finally will get a backstory on BW.. the chapter I have been working on eversince this book started. But. Spoiler alert- Bright won't remain an company owner at the end of this book. Idk why said it mhjfsfsggsjhmwrjmjt

And I'll probably post tomorrow since most of the backstory is complete. And things will go down once the backstory ends🔥 it's gonna be fire. Anyways- byee wait for the next update<3

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