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15th June 2023
10:30 a.m
3rd person POV:

Win had woken up quite early. He was an early bird. But this time, he woke up a little more early. It wasn't like he doesn't sleep. He couldn't sleep. Thinking about Bright all night. Smiling all night. Grinning all night. Blushing pink all night.

He was in the kitchen making breakfast. He put his chef on a holiday to have some alone time in the morning.

Ever since he realised his feelings for Bright, he felt happy. He didn't know someone could fall in love that quick with someone. He was grinning and smiling all night thinking of him. But, he also felt upset. He couldn't really be in a real relationship with Bright could he? Not after what he was going to do to his father. Bright would hate him for playing with his feelings as well as taking everything from his father. Let it be his Company or life. He could do both.

He was flipping the omlet on the frying pan when he got a call.

"Hey Win. There's an important thing to talk about with you." It was Bright.

" About what P'bai?"

Win had started to call Bright 'Phi' eversince the conference. He felt as if they were close calling him that. He knew he actually couldn't be in a relationship with Bright. Acting as if they were close was enough.

"We..have to..live together. I know it's all sudden but it's important."

Win was shook. Seeing him from time to time was enough for him. The gaps helped him not go bad in love. But seeing him the whole day would surely make him go insane.

"We're acting as if we're dating not as if we're married right? Then why should the two of us live together?"

"Because celebrities live together when they're in a relationship. It would be an odd action for us to not live together and people might start suspecting already."

"Oh. Right. so when should I move?"

"Tonight is okay?"

"It's too early. I won't get enough time to pack up."

"It's not like you literally pack your bag."

" Ugh fine. Tonight 10 p.m"

"Alright. See you tonight then. Bye"


Win hung up. It was all too soon for him. He didn't think he would end up in Bright's house just by going to a few dates with him. He didn't know Bright was so popular. He just didn't think of it.

Now he has to stay in Bright's house all of a sudden. He thought he would be able to get over Bright by staying away as much as possible. But, now living in Bright's own house will make it a hundred times more difficult. He will have to see Bright everyday, everynight, anywhere around the house. Now it makes him feel that he would never be able to get over him. Atleast not when they're living together. It would only make him fall deeper.

He didn't have any choices now. The only thing he could do was stay away from Bright as much as possible. But he couldn't do that either. He had to make Bright fall for him didn't he?

He got out of his thoughts as he put the omlet piece in his mouth using his fork.

'my life really turned upside down as soon as I started this mission didn't it?' he thought as he shoved a piece into his mouth.


10:45 p.m

It was 10:45 pm. Bright himself has come to help win move his things out. They were standing infront of Bright's mansion after a fifteen minute car ride.

Win had always thought that Bright's house was far. But he just lived fifteen minutes away from his home. He didn't know Bright's house was this close to his own.

Bright had a big mansion with a pool in front. There was a peiece of land inbetween the pool with a couch over it. The mansion had bright walls and large windows everywhere like a balcony.

"lets go inside shall we?" Said Bright.


As they went in, Win saw a large dimly lited living room with a big set of couch with coffee desk in between.

"Don't worry you'll get your separate room. So please don't get worries about invasion of your privacy."

Win just looked around the house and said.

"Your house looks nice."

Really sorry for the delay in posting the chapters. Will post another tomorrow! Bye for now<3

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