[ 24 ]

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Soeo guys, I was initially planning the backstory parts to be numbered as [ 0 ],[ 00 ]... because it all happened before everything started, so please comment If i should do that.


Then what happened was iconic.

Everyone was busy in drinking and chatting. But they were in their own world.

Just the two of them.

"Wanna go to the terrace?" Win asked, staring deep into Bright's eyes.

"Sure." Bright said as he grabbed his drink and stood up.

And so the two went. To Win's terrace. Upon reaching the desired area, Bright stood, crossing his legs, against the railing. With the glass of drink in his hands.

Win put his against the railing and his elboys on it too, and looked at the sky. Looked at the stars.

" It's beautiful isn't it?" Bright spoke, still looking at the world with slightest of a smile on his face, as he took a sip from his drink.

"Uh-huh. It is." Win replied and turned around to look at the man he was standing with, only for his heart to skip a beat.

" You know if you search up 'how to get rid of taxes' on WikiHow then one of the options would come as 'pass away'... " Bright cracked a joke.

And Win suddenly started laughing. And couldn't stop for a very long time.

Win then got quiet after that funny joke. And then he suddenly felt a hand caressing his head.

He looked up to his side, only to find Bright having a gentle smile on his face.

"You brought your guitar right? Could you play it for me?" Win asked.

"Uh.. I actually stopped playing a while ago.." he said, with a sad look on his face.

" What? Why? And I don't even see you coming out of the music room after school anymore."

"Well.. things happened. And I had to leave Music and choose Accountancy instead." Bright replied.

Win knew what Bright must be going through. He could see through him. Bright's eyes, looked upset. Almost as if telling Win what happened.
They looked as if he never wanted to leave Music. As if he were forced.

And then suddenly, Bright was caught off-guard. His face was softly held by a pair of palms. And his lips were captured by someone else's.

That was how they first kissed.

But then.

Win pulled out. And suddenly he started whispering ceaselessly.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry..." He whispered. Nonstop.

And then ran.

"Wait! Win!" Bright stretched out his hand, hoping Win would stop. But he didn't. He ran out.

Win didn't return the whole night after that.

Or to school for the next few days.

It spread out in school that Win left Kocher high and joined Bankok High instead.

Bright, hearing the news, was devastated. He didn't want to talk to anyone. He would go to school, but not listen to lectures. He would be at the cafeteria, but refuse to eat together. He would go back home, but choose to go alone instead. Ever since Win was gone, he was gone too. And six whole years passed like that.

All lonely. All upsetting. All dark.

Within those six years, Aroon Vachirawit made Bright open up a new company of his own for beginners experience. From bottom to top.


Once he went to the cemetery, his life changed. He didn't even think he would see the person he had wished to spend his whole life with for years, since High school, was infront of him.

Crying. Miserably crying.










"Uhh well, I was scared you'd leave me again. Like you did. Before."

" I left because I was scared to admit who I really was. I thought, my parents wouldn't have been happy with this. With me. But now I've learned that you have to be yourself. Or else you won't survive. I have to love myself. I have to love you. To survive."

"I love you too. Alot."

"But hey, do you really not play guitar anymore? Or even sing?"

"Once I moved out of my parent's home, I did but a new one, and ionly sing when I feel upset." Bright said as he rubbed his hands at the back of his neck.

"Can you sing for me? Please?" Win asked, with puppy eyes, staring into that Bright's. Deep.

"Fine. Follow me." Bright requested as he stood up, and went to the living room, where the elevator was located. As soon as they reached the elevator, Bright pinned Win in the wall of the lift and whispered in his ear. In a very teasing tone.

"You really wanna hear me sing huh? But I prefer hearing you sing on my bed as I-"


They had reached Bright's floor.

Bright's face suddenly turn into a frown as he got away from a very happy Win. Who was chuckling.

"Welp. Sorry. Too bad you couldn't flirt."

The two got out of the lift and Bright started leading.

The first room that appeared was a study. It consisted of a shelf at the right corner of the room and a large table set right beside it. Just like a meeting room. It also had a projector and a white board on the innnermost wall of the room. And then a door. Right beside it.

(Im so sorry for being bad at descriptions😭)

"It's my study. And also my office which I use during the times I can't go to office."

"It's nice. But there's one thing I can't understand."

"Hmm. What is it?" Bright asked as he turned around as his eyes met Win's

"Why aren't you angry at me?"

"What's there to be angry about?"

"Your father. Shouldn't you be angry at me for accusing your father of murder?"

"He deserves it. For whatever he has done to you, me, and my mom, he deserves it. Someone needed to take action about it if not us."

"What.. did he do to you and your mom? " Win asked, perplexed by Bright's reply.

Bright closed his eyes and sighed. "Let me join forces with you."


Soo this is what I was talking about when i said it's gonna go down into ashes. Not for our star couple tho.

I really can't believe I wrote a whole 1000 word chapter while sitting in child's pose.because of period cramps. Like- I couldn't even go to school even though I had robotics classes and they would give us solo projects to do. I really wanted to go, but I couldn't. Atleast I could upload another chapter of my fanfic-

Enough talking

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