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Bright turned around only to find someone familiar.

3rd Person POV:

Mike. Bright's highschool friend.

"Wait- Mike?" Bright asked as he narrowed his eyes in suspicion.

" Thankfully you guessed right. How're you bro?"

"Oh I'm alright." Bright replied as let out a smile.

"Oh hey Win! It's been days huh? And finally you two could get a happily ever after."

"Wait- do I know you-?" Win asked as he let out a confused smile.

He didn't think he knew Mike. Sure, he has a high school friend called Mike, who wasn't really his friend but someone else's, but he just wasn't sure if this was him.

"Win, did you forget me so quick? The one who tried so hard to make you and-" Bright covered his mouth with his hand and moved him back.

Then Win hears Bright whisper something to Mike's ear. But couldn't clearly get it.

"Hey Win there's a really nice mochi shop nearby. Wanna try?" Mike asked as looked up at Win with his usual teethy smile.

"Yeah sure."










"It's actually really good." Win said took his first bite from the bowl as he continued " I was actually quite nervous about it since I have eating disorders. But Its great."

"I'm happy that you liked it Win. Oh wait. I hear the sound of rain." Bright said as he turned to the window beside him.

The sky was looking dull grey. Birds were flying in fear of getting wet as they hugged the leaves of the trees they have their nests in. The rain was increasing its speed every second. The rain fogged up the windows, making it unable to see through.

"Bright I was supposed to reach back for work. It's almost time too." Win said in a panicking voice as his eyes widened.

" We can't go in this sort of rain though. " Bright said he curled up downwards as he looked at Win.

" Why don't ya'll stay for the night instead? I don't think the rain is gonna stop anytime soon." Mike added.

"Looks like we have no choice like Mike said." Win said with a sad tone in his voice as he continued. "I have to cancel that final meeting of mine."

Win's POV:

I was upset at the fact that I couldn't go back to office today. To be honest, I didn't have any meetings at office. I had to report Ohm about my whereabouts as well as Mike. But now I can't.
I was in my thoughts while looking at the window when Mike suddenly called out my name.

"Hey Win. Uh if you don't mind, can we have some talk?"

"Uh huh. Sure." I agreed as i followed Mike to where he was taking me to.

Soon we reached the door of the restrooms. That's was when he started to talk.

" Win what high school did you graduate from? "

"Oh uh Bankok High. Why?"

"Did you perhaps, change highschools before reading there?

" Uh yeah. I transferred from Kocher high to Bankok High in my third year."

Lies Of The Fake Flower [Brightwin]Where stories live. Discover now