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5th June 2023
9:30 p.m
Win's POV

I was back home from the cemetery as I sat on the couch and called Ohm, my college friend as well as my partner from the NIA to inform him that I met Bright Vachirawit, the son of my enemy.

'hey Ohm I gotta tell you something.'

' Sure go ahead'

' I met Bright. Bright Vachirawit.'


'Chill bro. Nothing much happened. He saw me crying at the cemetery so he tried to comfort me. We just had a little chat nothing much.' I said. 'he seemed like a nice guy.. he wasn't rude as I thought. Infact him being there with me gave me.... comfort?'

' Oh. So you feel comfortable around him huh?' he said in a teasing manner. ' hey you know it's nothing like that' I refused. Then he continued 'I see. You have a business party next evening. Remember?'

' yeah I do.'

'dont forget to wear the earbuds I gave you. Aroon Vachirawit will be present there so we must stay in contact when the business party is going on. Anything can happen. So please, be careful. If you find anything suspicious then inform me as soon as the party ends...'

Ohm kept blabbering. Blabbering about safety and our mission. But my mind was focused on one thing. Bright.

The way he softly spoke. The way his dark round void eyes looked at me as if they were looking into my soul. The way his soft, fleshy bow shaped lips moved made my heart flutter.

I don't know why, but thinking about him made me smile and made my cheeks heat up. I felt comfortable around him. Being with him made me feel.. safe . As if he's my safe spot.

But nevermind, I must be feeling this way because he's handsome. And besides, I'm into girls. There's seriously no possibility that I have a crush on that guy.

C'mon why am I even thinking about him. I should be focusing on my revenge. I have a business party to attend tomorrow and I gotta prepare for that.

So, first things first, Aroon Vachirawit will be present there. Which means, Bright will also be present. But the main thing is that I must find ANYTHING suspicious about that guy. All the information I have right now about that guy my father was his senior partner. And that he has a son named Bright. His businesses are blowing up right now and he's having really good share prices. His share prices in the share market are increasing each day. His corporation is growing larger and larger day by day. He's opening new companies almost every month.

His son, Bright is on a whole another level. He's a freelancing business man, which means he's not in his father's company yet. Not only that, he's also a philanthropist,giving out millions as charity for orphanages,old age homes and many more. It flashed in articles that he's the heir of V&C. Co last week. It was said that Bright's Company, namely Vachirawit Companies, which is earning millions and millions in just a few months, will merge in this week. That's what the business party tomorrow is for. The merging of Vachirawit Companies and V&C.Co.

So, this means Bright will be present. Why am I feeling so nervous and yet happy? I mean him and I have no relations, yet. But If i could, I could court him to be ina relationship with me. I mean ofcourse, I'm handsome, so he might as well accept my proposal. And you know what's even more better? The fact that my father was Aroon Vachirawit's senior partner which will help me get a good impression on that guy as well as his son.

I really like that idea of getting into this relationship with his son for some reason. It will help in getting revenge as well as let me have a taste of his son. Wait why am I thinking about him AGAIN. No matter what I think about I always land back at thoughts of him. This time, I went too far. I was literally drooling about his son. What the fuck is wrong with me? Why am I thinking about him? I'm not even gay.

Nevermind, I think I'm being this way because I haven't had enough sleep last night. Yes, I didn't have sleep last night. Wanna know why? Because I can't move on. Which son do you think can sleep soundly when the next day is the aniversary of the worst day of his life? The day his whole life turned down?

Well, I have to stop doing all this right now.

I got up from the couch and went to the restroom to do my night routine.properly. I can't look bad tomorrow can I? Its a big day tomorrow and the main turning point in the life of the Vachirawits.

I got out of the restroom as I texted Ohm about my new plan. Ohm agreed. Yes! Now it's gonna be even more easier. I can court that guy and get on his and his daddy's good side. Thanks dad, for being an industrialist, now I get to court a hot guy. Wait why do I keep thinking about him AGAIN AND AGAIN!?? now I feel lik a procastinating simp.ಠ⁠益⁠ಠ

Nevermind let's just change clothes and get some sleep.

I wrote this chapter having zero knowledge about business and stock market. Thanks to my dad being a stock market investor as well as Google, cuz they helped me get atleast a little information about commerce and stock market.
Nevermind, I have my exams going on but still I'm writing cuz writing makes me feel better. I used to be a procastinating simp for my girl best friend until i confessed my feelings this year just to let go. Now I feel much more better after writing them out. Now it feels like I'm writing my own diary.

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