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6th June 2023
6:00 p.m
Win's POV

It was 6:00 in the evening and the party had already started by the time I reached to the hotel it was being held at. I was sitting in the bar area taking Tequila shots. I don't get drunk that easily but I'm not that strong with alcohol either. Besides drinking while taking a look around will not make me look suspicious. Drinking was way more better that talking to people about things I'm barely interested in.

I was just taking a look around when I spotted a certain someone. Aroon Vachirawit. He was there talking to someone I didn't know. That was when he entered. Bright.

There he was, with a playful smirk on his bow shaped lips. His void eyes though, were searching for a certain someone. Until, those dark pupils landed somewhere. On me. He was staring at me. Shit. I got caught. He knows I was staring at him. Those eyes of his curved downward as his lips formed a small smile. He was smiling at me. That smile of his reminded me of when I met him the first time, at the cemetery. Gosh, he looked so handsome in that black suit he's wearing. Perfect. He looked like an angel sent from heaven. He looked perfect. That suit perfectly showed his curves.

I know, I'm supposed to spy on Aroon, but the way Bright dressed for tonight made me need him. Need him near me tonight.I wanted to feel him. Feel his lips on mine. Feel his heart near mine. I still don't know why I'm feeling this way but I just feel it.

The moment I got out of my thoughts, I felt a presence next to me. "You feeling better now?" Said someone. I recognised that voice immediately and also the meaning behind that sentence. "I guess" I replied quickly. It was Bright.
"Great to hear that" said he.

"Whiskey please" he asked the bartender. The bartender gave him his Whiskey as he sipped on it. The next thing he did was staring at me. Though I was sitting quietly, I was observing every single one of his actions. The way he put his right leg of his left one as he sat, the way he was holding his glass from either side of the cup as if he were Levi Akerman. Everything.

We were quiet for sometime until he asked a question. "You're uncle Anurak's son aren't you?" "Yeah." Was all I could reply to that walking angel.
"I'm extremely sorry for what had happened to your parents." He tried continuing the conversation.

Well, It's not you who should be apologizing about this You walking beauty standard. It's supposed to be your bastard father.

"It's okay. Besides it's not even your fault." I answered with the most basic reply I could find.
Bright stayed silent for some time until he tried to engage another conversation.

"So? You got anyone you're seeing right now?"
"Not really."
"Then can I try?" He asked In the sweetest and lowest voice he could speak with but enough for me to hear. Damn, this man is the most straightforward person I've ever seen. Who the fuck asks someone out on their first meet? Well I don't really care cause he already fell in my trap.
"What?" I asked acting as if I didn't hear him.

"Oh nothing." he lied.

So. He's scared huh? Shy guy I see. Cute.

"I might Sue the art galleries for not keeping you with them while you are the most beautiful art piece by God I've ever seen." He looked at me again and said with a flirty smirk on his lips. His face was inches away from mine. Our lips having even lesser gap inbetween. Our faces were so close to eachother that I could see all the pores on his face. His skin looked milky smooth As soon as I saw him, I felt my heart beat going faster. Beat by beat. My cheeks heated up and went light pink.

"H-huh?" was all I could come up with.

I suddenly felt this want of having his lips on mine. And I couldn't control it. As soon as I tried to move our faces more closer, he moved his face near my right ear.

"I feel like kissing you so much right now too but I'll cease myself from doing so. Don't wanna make people uncomfortable in this party." He said with a flirty voice and I could litterally feel him smirk.

" What-"

He got up from the chair as he walked away.

"Are you free tomorrow?" He shouted as he walked away.

"Y-yeah i guess.." I shouted back. I'm free for the rest of my life for this man.

"Great then. Let's go on a date tomorrow then."

He disappeared into the crowd of the party before I could even answer to him.

That bastard caught me off-guard. This man's duality is gonna kill me someday. I was the one who was supposed to be all flirty here not him. He was shy himself a few minutes ago. Look at him now. Being all plucky.

I wasnt able to focus on the party till it ended. That good looking bastard stared at me from time to time. Seductively to be specific. He made all nervous throughout the party I don't know what for.

I had been spaced out for a long time for me to realise that there was someone beside me. When i came back to my senses, I felt someone beside me. I turned to look only to realise that it was the person I had come her to spy on. Aroon Vachirawit. He was looking at the bartender while asking him some sort of drink. Then he looked at me.
" Hello there Mr. Iamkajorn." He greeted as he continued " I suppose you know me as I'm the one hosting this occasion. But, I'll still Introduce myself as a matter of being professional. I am Aroon Vachirawit. Owner and founder of V&C . Co." He introduced himself.
Well, he really didn't need to introduce because I know too well of what he does. Honestly, I thought of approaching him first, but looks like my prey came up to his hunter on his own.
" Yes, I do know you as well as the reason of this occasion. If I didn't know what this party was for, then I wouldn't have come here." I said with the sweetest voice i could use while trying to contain my anger.

I'm ending the chapter here because I do not have time to write anymore and I also am crossing my word limit of 1500. So byee see y'all next week.

Lies Of The Fake Flower [Brightwin]Where stories live. Discover now