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Win's POV:

It has been a week since me and Bright had everything cleared out between ourselves. And even the fact that he will be helping me execute my revenge. It's not like I'm extremely happy at that thought. I'm infact scared.

Scared at the thought of losing Bright.

I get it. He loves me. He wants to help me. He also wants to take revenge. But what he doesn't realise is that it's dangerous. Dangerous to the point that you might get killed. And I obviously don't want that.

I cant handle it.

And today is the day. Today is the day I had been waiting for my whole life. Today is the day my revenge officially begins. I knew even if this plan doesn't work, I would have nothing to lose. Because I've lost everything. But now I have someone I want to take care of. So I'm scared. Scared than ever.

I was in my thoughts when I heard someone call me.

"Win!? Would you like to join me in the shower?" It was Bright. Calling me from the bathroom.

"Why the sudden call? I thought you wanted a proper shower?"

" I changed my mind.." Bright flashed a nervous smile.

" Alright. I'm coming in a few minutes. Keep the door open for me."

Me and Bright got out of the shower after a not so surprisingly half an hour. Because the shower was just an excuse. Bright wanted to get me plowed by him.

I was wearing my shirt when I suddenly hear a phone ring. I turn around to find it was Bright's.

"It's dad. He's probably calling me to his office as you predicted." Bright spoke as he picked up his phone. I saw him going away into a corner of the room as I hear say 'yes' a few times and then an 'alright' before he put the phone away from his ear onto the table.

I look at him with an expected face as he answered with a slight smile.

"First step successful" was his reply.






Once me and Bright were ready, I made him sit on the bed.

"Here. This the device that you'll need to put under his desk. And also take this earpiece. We need to stay in call at all times during the task." I spoke as he hand him the parabolic hearing device in my hand and put the earpiece into his ear.

"Alright. But I think you're missing something."

" What?"

" Where's my good luck hug?"

I hug him as I let out a sad smile.

"Be safe."

"I will." Bright hugged he back.

"I will be in my car waiting for you to attach that chip under his desk. Once you attach it, I will be able to hear your conversation with him." I give him some necessary information.

"Alright. Best of luck to you too." Bright wished, with a sad smile on his face.

And then we went out, He drove to his father's mansion while I drove my car near my company building. But not in front of it.

I also got Ohm with me. As he will be the one guiding us, on how to use this device.

"See, I will be able to hear it in my earphones. Because the device is supposed to be connected to my phone. And it's better to be in my phone since yours might get tracked by Aroon Vachirawit." Ohm spoke, showing me his phone as he put an earphone in my ear. While my other ear was occupied by the single ear piece, me and Bright we're both connected.

Lies Of The Fake Flower [Brightwin]Where stories live. Discover now