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"should I consider that as an yes?"

3rd Person POV :

Hearing that question, Win started looking down at the road. The coat they were beneath had flown away long before. Now they were just standing in the rain. All drenched.

Bright's eyes were filled with determination. But, they were also filled with fear. But there was no way Win could reject him right? He was the one who kissed him. Why would he say no?

Bright's pupils were fixed on Win this whole time. He saw Win widen eyes as he looked down at the road while he was in thought. All this time, he thought Win gave in because he loved him, only to find out he gave in out of lust.

Now all his hopes were getting crushed. But. He still has that one stubborn ray of hope left. That ray which wouldn't leave even after the time was gone.

"I-I'll think about it..." Win replied in a very unsure tone.

Bright let out a breadth of relief he didn't know he was even holding.

"Well then I should get going. Take as..much time as you want. I can wait. I can wait for my entire lifetime If I'd have to."

Blood rushed to Win's cheeks.

"Me too."







Win was at the meeting. But his mind was somewhere else. Somewhere dark. Somewhere depressing. Or atleast for him.

His mind had wandered off to Bright. Which was happening quite often since he had moved in. His brain was still processing what had happened between him Bright. The kiss, the confession, his reply to that, everything that happened in between them.

He still didn't know what to say to Bright anymore. It was his fault afterall. No, It was Bright's fault. If Bright hadn't confessed, he wouldn't have kissed either. Bright's confession triggered him.

But what worried Win the most, was the feedback of Ohm. It wasn't that Ohm didn't ship Win with Bright, he was the one who made Win realise his feelings. But what about Ohm's team? Ohm being the crackhead he is, probably did not inform his team about Win's new plan. And his team probably wouldn't be very happy with this new change. Win was confused as to how Ohm managed to even get into NIA. But that was less important right now.

Win was finally focussing on work. But he got interrupted. Again.

His phone vibrated long on his desk. It was Ohm.


"I have a few questions from the team for you to answer."

" You told your team about my new plan?"

"Yeah. Ofcourse. Why?"

"It's nothing. You go ahead. Ask me whatever you wanted."

"Anyways, has Bright ever acted strange towards you? Like suspicious as in to imply this correctly?"

"Uhh no but he definitely gives me nostalgic vibes. As if we've met before. As if 'he knows me quite a lot' kind of vibe."

"Alright noted. Have we made any progress in our mission?"

"Well, you see, today Bright... Uhh I don't know how to say this"

"Just keep going. What did Bright do?"

Lies Of The Fake Flower [Brightwin]Where stories live. Discover now