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So hey guys. This in not a post where i say I'm leaving my story incomplete. Please don't get pissed. It's just my mind term examinations are over the edge and I also have QUITE A LOT of viva's to give. So I have to prepare myself. That's why I'm not able to post anything since last week.

Infact. This is an announcement wher I say that I will start reposting from 1st September. That's the day my mind terms end. But do not think I'll forget to write. Because I'll keep writing If i get time to. Inbetween my exams. And might even post. But that'll probably be rare.

Moreover, I already am planning for a new book. Which I'll be starting next year. Probably. It'll be fluff and rom-com. But there's one thing I'm confused about. Should I make it BW or SarawaTine? Comment if you want SarawaTine and vote if you want BW.

Moving forward, I'll be making another post within these two to three days. Which will be my last post for THIS MONTH. As I said, I'll start posting, from my birthday month(i.e September).

Also, if you want, I can go back to making 700 word chapters each day once again until my exams begin. You can DM me on Wattpad if you want that. Don't be scared to do that. Please. I'll gladly respond to your texts. Infact I love responding to your texts! So please don't feel uneasy.

Anyways, I've got Biology Viva tomorrow (⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠). So I gotta prepare. Byeeee!

Thank you,
Author of Lies Of The Fake Flower

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