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8:00 p.m
Tine's POV:

I woke up to the sound of the door knock. I looked around me and tried to remember last night. And suddenly my memories fell to place. I had dinner with Bright. I talked to him about my parents. He comforted me. I cried.

I could hear my heartbeat go fast when I thought of him. It felt nice to have someone to like. It always had. Just like I felt with him.

I was in my thoughts when I heard another knock on my door. Who was it? Probably a maid. I thought as I got up from the bed and opened the door. It was Bright.

"Goodmorning. Come down for breakfast." He said as he walked away.

Wait. Did he just come over to my door himself just to call me up for breakfast? I mean his room is on the second floor of this building. He couldve just asked a maid to call me downstairs. Nevermind, I'll just go do my morning routine.






I walked downstairs and I could already see him on one end of the large, horizontally long dining having his breakfast quietly.

I sat down at the other end of the table and soon a maid came and served me breakfast. I don't want to be affected by his good looks. It's good if I sit far, far away. I had just taken a small bite of my breakfast when he spoke.

"Feeling..any better?"

"Uhh.. sort of"

"Remember what I told you last night?" He asked

What did he say? He spoke too many things. Which one is he talking about?

"Uhh which one? You said... Alot of things"

"I asked you to tell me whenever you feel lonely or sad remembering your parents." He stared right into my eyes. No, right into my soul. His eyes showed me sincerity. They were filled with hope. Man, I can't say no to those eyes.

I think now is a good opportunity to call up a meeting with Aroon. I'm getting close to his son. It's a good opportunity. But.. I don't want to hurt his feelings. He wasn't at fault. And.. I personally can't hurt him. I like him. Why did I start liking him? It hurts.

"Uhm- sure... After last night, I don't think I can hide it anymore."

"Yeah ofcourse you can't. But.. I don't want to force you to tell me. Just tell me if you're comfortable. Just know that you have someone who will listen to you." He lightly smiled. He got up from his seat, came closer to my seat and patted my head.

Wait. Are we close enough to pat each other's head's now?









Bright's POV:

I went straight to office after talking it out to Win about last night. I could clearly see he was too overwhelmed by my words. Those words of mine were not empty. They're full of honesty and purity. I'm completely honest when it comes to Win. I always was.

But when I looked at Win yesterday and today as well, It felt, wierd. His eyes were filled with something. But I don't know what. It seemed as if he was hiding something, but was filled by, guilt?

I don't know. Maybe I'm just assuming things. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe he didn't feel comfortable talking about it. Maybe I'm forcing him. But, all I know is that I want Win to be happy. He deserves to be happy. He always did.

That man, he's so hardworking. He made the company even larger than it was in just a span of three years. He got five more stories of his company building done. He increased his employees salaries by eight percent. He obviously could only do this because of more profit. Which means he's got brains. He's got the knowledge of how to make his company more profitable. He's got talent. He's got money. He's got a large fanbase. He's got everything. But. He still got nothing he wants. He doesn't have, or thinks, he doesn't have a family.

I want him to know, know that there is someone who cares for him. Who loves him. Who wants the best of him. Someone who has his eyes on him and only on him.


Erm- so I was having a writer's block. That why posts were coming late. Sorry about that. But a sort of spoiler- we MIGHT have a CONFESSION and SMUT in the next 4-6 posts. Im not sure still if I should make them go together so quick but nevermind afyer thinking of my murder- revenge part of the plot, I have sort of a thing planned before which can ONLY. Happen if they are together. But anyways, My posts might be longer than usual. This chapter's last line was inspired by Lana Del Rey's 'Say yes to Heaven'.

Anyways, I'm quiet sleepy and I'll be going to bed after posting this, so goodnight, staysafe and healthy and wait for my next post<3 byeee

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