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The sun's rays fell on the pale boy's face as they went through those light coloured curtains of his room. He was lying with his face towards the window as his body was wrapped around with someone else's.

He moved his hands towards his face as rubbed his eyes from the heated sunlight. His eyes slowly adjusted to the light falling on his face as he opened his eyelids to the world. He was looking at the ceiling in numbness until he remembered something. Last night. He slept with Bright. And suddenly his face goes cherry pink.

"Goodmorning" Win suddenly hears a voice beside him. He turns his face only to find Bright staring at him with heart eyes.

"You were awake?"


" For how long?"

"Since the time you were blushing thinking about last night."

Win's cheeks turned redder with just that.

" Get up. We have to get ready. Then I'll take you to my special place."










Win and Bright got ready for breakfast. It took quite alot of time for them to have breakfast. Which was because Bright convinced Win to shower with him to save time. But that wasted more time than it would've to shower separately.

Bright and Win were going down the stairs while chit-chatting. As soon as the staircase ended, Win started directing Bright to his dining for breakfast.

Aunt Pakpao was coming with a plate with toasted bread. She stopped when she saw two people at the staircase. Or to be more specific, she stopped after seeing Bright at the staircase.

"Win dear, you didn't tell me that you brought your partner over." She said with a face that was unexplainable. As if she finally knew the truth which was eating up her head.

"Sorry It was actually pretty sudden. I didn't get the time to tell you about it." Win replied with a genuine tone in his voice.

" Come Bright. Have a seat." She called Bright and pulled a chair for him to use with a smile on her face.

Bright slowly followed aunt Pakpao and took the seat aunt Pakpao assigned to him. Win sat on his usual seat, which was beside Bright.

"Aunt, why do you have dark circles under your eyes? You never had them." Win asked as his Aunt served him his breakfast.

"Oh that." Aunt continues with a sky smile on her lips." I heard some wierd sounds coming from your room and they were so loud I couldn't sleep. I kept wondering if you were upto something and even decided to knock on your door to make sure everything was okay, but I didn't have the courage to knock on your door so late at night."

"Oh. I see." Win's cheeks flushed red.

" he sort of fell in the bathroom while showing so I was just using the first aid. He kept on screaming because it hurt."

Bright lied with a teasing smirk on his face as he looked at Win.







"Have you put on your seatbelt?" Bright asked looking beside him and checking up on Win.

"Ofcourse. Im not a kid."

"I know that. I was just asking since I'll be driving pretty fast."

" Isn't that what a sports car is for? But Bright, we are going on a LONG drive as you told me. It's a fucking 4 hour journey. Then WHY are we taking a sports car? "

" Well I love sports cars."

"Fuck your sports cars." Win turned his head towards his side of the car.

"Are you angry at me?"

"Well yes." Win replied in a low voice

"What for?"

" My waist is fucking numb because of YOU." Win said as he pointed his finger to Bright with a scowl on his face.

Bright chuckled as he spoke." But it felt good didn't it? And also it was your punishment for not telling me."

"S-shut up" win spoke as he turned his head to his side of the car once again while being all pink for the second time of the day.

And with that, Bright started his car's engine and drove off.

As soon as Bright reached the main roads of the city, he sped off. Their car passed off the city buildings, apartments, private houses and much more.

"Bright why are you speeding off so much!?" Win screamed as he held his seatbelt tightly.

" To get out of the city quick." Bright replied as he drove.

Once they were out of the city, Bright slowed down his car. Soon enough, They reached the outskirts of Bankok. And even after the outskirts of Bankok.

"Why do I feel like we're somewhere near Chiang Mai?" Win whispered to himself as thought.

" Because we are near Chiang Mai." Bright replied as he heard Win.

Win was in his thoughts as he heard the car stop.

"Win we're here." He heard Bright say. And soon he opened his eyes only to find something gorgeous around him.

It was a field filled with flowers all around. Dandelions. No, dandelion seeds all around. But. It wasn't only Dandelions. There was a large tree filled with Sakuras all over it's branches.

"This place is so pretty..." Win was stunned. He had never been to such a beautiful place before. His eyes shone like a diamond as he looked around.

"Do you know why I brought you here?"  Bright asked, as he stared at Win with an amazed look.

"No."  Win had a pout on his face. "You never told me"

"This is the place my mom got burried."

"Oh. I'm sorry about that." Win's face had saddened.

"It's okay. It's not like it's your fault anyways."

"Hey Bright!" Someone smoke from behind as he held Bright's shoulder. "It's been a long time since you came here"

Bright and Win turned around to find someone familiar.

Enjoy all the fluff until it gets spicy lololol |⁠ ͡⁠ᵔ⁠ ⁠﹏⁠ ͡⁠ᵔ⁠ ⁠|

Lies Of The Fake Flower [Brightwin]Where stories live. Discover now