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Alr. Before you proceed reading, keep in mind that this chapter was heavily inspired by the anime,'Kakegurui'. And if you see any lines similar with the show, please do not think that i have copied it, all credits go to the manga writer, Homura Kawamoto and Toru Naomura as well as MAPPA studio for the animation.


Win's POV:

I wake up abruptly in the middle of the night. Looking up at the clock, I saw that it was 3 am in the middle of the night. Then I feel something.

I was hungry.

Being hungry in the middle of the night wasn't really a common occurence for me. But considering how I'm wasting my energy on physical activities with my boyfriend, It was going to become one soon.

I slowly get up from the bed, removing Bright's hand away from my waist. I wear a pair of boxers and a sweater lying on the floor, not really recognising who's it was in the dark.

I slowly moved to the kitchen, took a look inside the fridge in search of food. Then I took out a sandwich and started heating it in the microwave while sitting on the kitchen counter.

And I don't know when, I just started thinking. About who that woman was in the audio. I didn't know her, Bright didn't know her, Ohm having so many connections in the military didn't know her.

Then who could she be?

Maybe his sister? Nope. Bright didn't know her. If he had one sister, then Bright would've known wouldn't he?

But wait.

What if she's mistress?

" Earth to Win. Your microwave's been beeping since the past five minutes."

"Huh?" I said confused. As soon as I looked up I found Bright staring at me. Maybe I woke him up.

As I stare at him, he opens the microwave and takes out the now heated sandwich. Then hands it to me.

"Hey Bright, who do you think that woman could be?"

" I don't know." He said as he sat on the counter beside me. And continued."Maybe a mistress?"

Me and my boyfriend share the same braincells.

"The thought of an old man having a mistress just makes me feel wierd."

Bright chuckled as he joined his forehead on mine.

"Same here."

"Wait a minute." He continued. "Is that my sweater?"







It's five in the morning and... well Bright has been cricking my pictures since the last half hour. He looked so happy, so who was I to deny?

He probably has a hundred photos of Me now.

But it's okay.

" That's enough for now." He said as he got up from the floor.

As soon as I got up from the swing in the balcony, my phone started ringing in the corner. It was Ohm. I picked the call up and put it on speaker as I signalled Bright to come closer.

" I found some hints regarding the unknown voice in the recording. There's this woman who's always present in all his meetings even though she doesn't work for his company nor is from any other companies."

" Do we know her name?" I asked.

"No not yet. But we do know her schedule after spying on her."

"Tell me more."

" Her name is Dara Amarin.48 years old. I have sent you her photo. We can know more about her if we check out the casino she goes in every week."

"Name of the casino?"

"Wait- isn't gambling banned in Thailand?" Bright stated, feeling uneasy.

"Underground casinos are widespread in Bankok." Ohm replied.

"So, name of the Casino?"








3rd Person POV:

Here he was, standing infront of the doors of Royale Casino. The Casino to which that woman goes to every week. Thankfully it was a Saturday today.

Bright was sitting inside the car, checking out the hearing device that he and Win were connected with.

Win was standing inside the hotel, infront of the large doors of the underground casino. It was a dining area, where people were having dinner, some were going into the casino. He was looking around until one woman caught his eye.

Dara Amarin.

As soon as she entered the casino, Win followed her immediately. She went up and sat on the most expensive table, or the table where the richest people sit.

There was one seat left on the table, when Win walked quickly and took the seat right away.

Everyone stared, including Dara at Win. They had never seen Win before in the Casino, and were suprised.

"Oh Mr. Metawin. I didn't expect you here." A man on the table said.

"I was just bored. But then my car crossed this hotel and then I remembered this hotel has a Casino." Win said in an terrifyingly exciting voice. He had a laugh on his face, such a terrifyingly excited smile that could even make the best of them drown in fear.

And then suddenly Win's voice echoed throught the room:

"Alright then, Let's get our gambling freak on! "

"So, who's gonna be the dealer? " Dara asked while looking around until she found a woman walking around. And called her.

"So the game we'll be playing is called choice poker. There's no time for elaborate explanation.

We'll compete in an original game using playing cards. The rules are essentially the same as those of poker. You can exchange the five cards dealt only once. As usual, the best hand wins. We'll be using a 53- card deck which includes one joker. However, in this card game you can neither fold nor call. In this poker, you can either bet or raise. The way you will face off is by showing your hand in each round, but the person who bets more money will automatically be given the right to choose."

"What do you mean? What do we get to choose?"

"Stronger or weaker. Who has the stronger or a weaker card.

In a normal poker game, needless to say, the stronger hand always wins. But here, the person who gets the right to choose can pick whether the stronger hand or the weaker hand will win the match.

If you choose stronger, like in normal poker, the person with the better hand wins. But If you choose weaker, the poker hand rankings are reversed. And thus the one with the weaker hand will prevail. There's no limit for how much you can bet. Go down to the fire. "The man on the table explained.

Sooo I'll be doing a double update to give your last week's fill. This was actually supposed to be a 2k word chapter but exams showed up.

Btw, how many of ya'll watch anime?? Because I do. And this as well as upcoming chapter is heavily inspired by an anime. It's called Kakegurui. And I also recently watched Yuri!!! On Ice. It was an awesome show tbh. It even had bl- literally the reason why I watched it.

Anyways, byee see y'all in the next chapter<3

Lies Of The Fake Flower [Brightwin]Where stories live. Discover now