50. No longer villain - Carol Danvers

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I'd spent my life being the villain. The person who worked alone, spoke to nobody. Always let my sister take the spotlight. My sister - Carol Danvers - absolutely hated me. She'd spent her time as Captain Marvel trying to capture me, one time coming way too close. But now, Thanos had returned. I hadn't blipped, but when I tried to ask Carol if I could help the Avengers, she refused and tried to lock me up. I couldn't actually tell you what I'd done to be hunted down. I'd commited a long list of crimes - crimes against mankind, crimes against the Kree, crimes against Skrulls. The list went on. But I'd been on Vormir at the same time as the Black Widow and Hawkeye. My goal was to sacrifice myself for the stone, but Black Widow bet me to it. After Hawkeye left with the soul stone, I took Black Widow's body and buried her properly.

Now, Thanos was back and I was going to join the battle against him, even if it ended up in my capture. That purple bastard was everyone's enemy.

I arrived on the battlefield beside Doctor Strange.

"Thankyou for coming," Stephen thanked me as I kept my head low.

"No, thank you for inviting me," I replied.

He simply nodded his head and as more people gathered, I slipped away. I wasn't to be seen yet. Soon enough, in the ruins of the compound, there was an outbreak of fighting. I used my powers to fight Thanos' armies whilst staying mostly undetected.


As I grabbed a disused blade, I saw Bucky being attacked by at least 6 of Thanos' fighters. I leapt towards them and dragged my blade through every single one's body, killing them. As they dropped to the floor, Bucky looked up at me. Surprise edged his look.

"What? You didn't think that ugly raisin was my idol or something, did you?" I challenged.

A smirk rested on Bucky's lips.

"We're glad for all the help we can get."

I nodded and leapt into the air, grabbing onto the leg of a creature flying over the top of us. I clambered onto it's back and stuck the knife into it's sides, guiding it. I saw Thanos fighting a witch. From the red magic, I gathered she was the Scarlet Witch. My eyes looked towards Thanos' ship as it deployed weapons.

"Shit," I muttered.

I knew what had to happen next. Either the bullets, bombs and whatever else could kill everyone, or I could stop it happening. The amount of power I would have to use would kill me, but I could only try. I jumped off the creature as I got high enough and began flying towards the ship. I gritted my teeth. It felt like fire was consuming my body as I glowed. This was barely enough however. I summoned more energy. My body was screaming with pain.

"Y/n!" I heard a yell from not far off.

I didn't turn my head. I was far too focused.


I recognised the voice. It was Carol.

"Y/n no!" she screamed as I gathered speed, heading towards the ship.

As the pain my body was going through reached a maximum, I closed my eyes tight. My body pummelled into the side of the ship, but went straight through. I screamed in pain, yet soon it was over. I emerged from the side of the ship and the pain was now just an aching, stinging afterpain. All my energy wasted, I dropped out of the sky.

I was dipping out of consciousness with every passing moment.

Every second felt like an hour.



"Y/n, wake up!"

I blinked slowly.

"Come on, wake the fuck up!"

"What?" I snapped, barely able to sit up.

"Oh thank god," the voice breathed, holding my weak body in an embrace.


"Yeah... it's me..."

I looked up at the sky, seeing Thanos' ship collapse into the lake below. There were no more bombs or bullets raining down over everyone.

"You did it, you saved them all," Carol told me, pulling me towards some rubble where she leaned me against it.

"Barely," I mumbled.

"You stopped everyone from getting killed at least."

"Carol... just kill that shrivelled purple raisin, would you?"

Carol laughed, though I saw a tear roll down her face.

"Why are you crying?" I asked.

"Because you're dying Y/n..." Carol replied.

"You never cared before."

"I did, of course I did! But you were killing people, you had to be stopped... But I'd never kill you..."

I smiled slightly.

"I'll... see you on the other side... eventually."

I felt my life slipping away slowly.

"Y/n, stop, we'll get you help!"

Carol shook my body.

"Carol, I'm dying!" I rasped. "I did what I had to... Just promise me you'll kill Thanos."

My sister's face became determined.

"Of course."

I was about to close my eyes, but then I said, "Just one more thing..."


Carol looked at me hopefully. I knew she wanted me to say 'save me' but I wasn't.

"Thank Dr Strange for everything he's done."

"Stubborn until the end," Carol joked lightly, but she swallowed back tears.

I smiled slightly, and finally closed my eyes. It was over. Finally. I'd stopped Thanos' ship. Potentially saved the lives of the heroes destined to save many trillions of lives.

A breath rattled in my chest.

The last breath.

I was no longer the villain.

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