13. Scarlett Johansson x daughter - ScarJo

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The character has Tourettes (so do I) and I'll be basing her ticcs off of mine. I know that ticcs vary from person to person, so the ticcs of the character won't be the same as mine or as another reader with Tourettes. Any questions, feel free to ask!

Vocak ticcs in *asterisks*

Age: 14
I woke up to my alarm beeping at me at 8am. With a disgruntled groan, I sat up in bed and turned it off. It was too early to be awake, and I was not a morning person. I got out of bed and opened my curtains, before grabbing my dressing gown and heading downstairs. My shoulder jerked roughly, making me sigh. I hoped my ticcs wouldn't be severe today. I'd always wanted to be a comedian or an actor, and had been good at cracking jokes and playing roles in plays for as long as I could remember. I'd gotten my diagnosis of Tourettes when I was 12, by my neurologist. My mom had noticed a couple of years before that I would make noises involuntarily, then I started making involuntary hand movements. She took me to the doctor when I'd told her that I couldn't control it, then the doctor referred me to my neurologist - Dr Winsor. I had to pass her criteria for a diagnosis, because it could have also been Functional Ticcs, which are slightly different to Tourettes. Anyways, my mom had always supported me, and she found the best ways to help, even suggesting meds for my more rough motor tics. On days when my ticcs were severe, I took medication to help. Today, my mom was taking me to work with her and I'd meet her fellow actors.

"Morning bubba," my mom said, hugging me when I went over to her at the counter.

She kissed me on my head, before continuing to make an eight year old Rose's breakfast. Rose herself was reading a book to Cosmo who was lying in his cot in the living room. I looked back at mom. She had her head down, pouring milk over Rose's cereal. I went to the fridge and pulled out my smooth yoghurt and grabbed a box of honey loops from the cupboard, before spooning yoghurt into a bowl.

"Rose, breakfast!" mom called, causing me to tic, "*I don't like gravy though!*"

I heard Rose giggle as she came running into the kitchen. I didn't mind people laughing when I had a vocal tic, as long as it wasn't offensive. My motor tics sometimes hurt though, and when people laugh at that, I find it sadistic. Rose sat down at the counter and began to eat her breakfast. A minute later, after nearly throwing the cereal on the floor and mom catching it, I also sat down and began to eat.

"Are you ready for later?" mom asked, eating a slice of toast she'd made for herself.

I shrugged. In all honesty - I was nervous. I'd met one of her colleagues before, and he'd not been bothered by my Tourettes. But I didn't know about everyone else. My mom assured me everything would be okay, but I couldn't help be scared of people judging me.

"Y/n, you don't have to worry," mom pulled me out of my thoughts. "None of them will judge you for it."

I smiled weakly, grateful for the attempt to calm my nerves.

Over the morning, my tics began to get more severe, until I was on the verge of a tic attack. At only 9am. No, no, please not today! Anytime but! Stop, stop! Shoulder jerk. Head thrash. Whistle, whistle. "*Hmph, it's not tape!*" Shoulder jerk. I sat on my bed, staring at the Marvel posters on my wall, trying to distract me. Mom knocked on my door, before coming in.

"Y- *Freak show!* yeah?" I said between tics.

She came over to me, a bottle of pills in her hand.

"Do you want to take a couple of these before we leave?" she asked. "I know you worrying is only making them more severe, which then makes you worry more."

I nodded slowly, before my head jerked to the side harshly. For god's sake! Please, stop! It hurts! My mom hugged me, careful to not restrict me. If I needed to tic, the best thing to do was let me, not restrain me in any way. When she pulled out of the hug, mom disappeared to get some water, then came back a minute later holding a bottle. Oh thank god for that. I don't want to deal with broken glass today. Mom passed me the bottle which I held inbetween my legs, then passed me one of my pills. I quickly swallowed it with some water, then I had another one.

"We'll be leaving in 15 minutes, are you sure you're alright to go bubba?" mom asked.

I nodded, followed by a "*Nahhh*" in a really strong London accent.

My mom smiled briefly, putting her hand on my arm gently, before leaving.

When we got onto set, the meds had begun to work. My anxiety was skyrocketing and mom kept assuring me everything was going to be alright. She led me onto the set, where her cast members were all standing around, laughing and talking.

"Scarlett!" a man called her.

She gestured for me to follow her as she went up to the man I'd met before. What was his name again? Chris? Yes, Chris Evans.

"Morning," mom said with a grin.

"Not exactly the best day to be doing a rainy scene," Chris said, pointing to the clear sky outside.

"Nope, but I guess we've just gotta deal with it."

"I guess. Hey Y/n!"

I looked over at Chris with a nervous wave. My shoulder jerked again, but I did my best to ignore it. Don't focus on your tics, just focus on today. You're meeting mom's co-workers, not going to a neurology appointment. I stepped a little bit closer, then we were interrupted by three other people I'd never met before. Mom had told me about them before, so I was guessing who they were.

"Morning Scarlett," a taller woman with long dark-ish hair greeted.

Lizzie Olsen.

"Lizzie's lucky, she barely has to remember any lines for this scene!" a man with dark hair and glasses said.

Robert Downey Junior.

"Is this Y/n?" another woman with dark brown hair to her shoulders asked, gesturing to me.

Cobie Smulders?

"Yep, this is my daughter," mom said, taking me gently by the arm and leading me over.

"Hi," I said nervously.

Okay, okay, it's fine.

A little while later, I'd met everybody. My mom, Robert, Chris and Cobie had gone to film a scene. I was sat in a room with Lizzie and Chris Hemsworth. I'd gotten more comfortable around them now, and I was preparing something. Lizzie looked over my shoulder as I wrote. I heard her laugh. I turned and saw her reading it. Smiling slightly, I moved my hand so she could read it. It was one of my comedy skits - I wrote these often, even if they weren't entirely true. This one was about when there was a bee hive in the school toy shed when I was in 3rd grade.

"You *fucking hell fire!* like it?" I asked as Lizzie continued to read it, laughing.

"Yes, I do, I really do," she said when she'd finished reading it.

Chris took it and began to read it.

"Y'know, you should really do stand-up comedy Y/n," he said once he'd read it. "You have a talent."

I smiled gratefully with an involuntary whistle. Me, Lizzie and Chris continued to talk for a while. Maybe they were right?

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