20. Hand - Bobbi Morse

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Been watching Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D, and I love Bobbi Morse so much! Also it's October 6th and I'm absolutely hyped for series 2 of Loki!


I'd just had an hour of combat training with Agent May and I was exhausted. I'd managed to knock the wind out of her and pin her down for a few moments, but she (of course) beat me by tripping me over and putting me in a tight headlock. After the training, May had been called away to meet Coulson so she'd rushed off.

When I got into the changing room, I went over to the locker labelled 'Y/L/N' and opened the door. My normal clothes were folded neatly in the corner. I took them out and went towards the showers. Along with the rigorous training, it was a warm day so I was very sweaty. I grabbed a towel and went to shower, washing my hair and body thoroughly so to get rid of the sweat and dirt.

Once I'd showered and changed, I went back over to my locker. I put away the leather glove I used for training and missions, and got out my normal one. I slid it over my right hand, avoiding looking down at my hand. As I tightened the velcro, I heard the changing room door close quietly behind me.

"Hey," a familiar voice greeted me.

Without turning, I replied, "Hey Bobbi."

Bobbi came over to me and stood beside me.

"I heard you had some rough training with May just now. Just came to check you were okay," she told me.

I smiled a little.

"Thanks," I thanked. "I honestly think May needs to be the one checked on. I shoved her into a wall pretty hard."

Bobbi laughed, leaning against the other lockers. I reached inside my locker for my energy drink.

"How old is that?" she asked.

"I only put it in here before training," I laughed.

Bobbi smiled, then a few moments of silence followed as I drank. I noticed Bobbi's eyes curiously fall to my gloved hand.

"Why do you wear a glove?" she asked.

"It's just..." I sighed. "I don't like to see the memory."

Biting my lip, I put my drink back away.

"I know you don't trust any of us much but-"

I slammed my locker door shut, cutting her off.

"I do trust you," I stated. "But the last time someone knew that it didn't end well."

Despite my acting uncaring and harsh, inside I was scared. My past was something only Coulson knew. Me and him had agreed to keep it secret until I decided I was ready. I was scared the team would see me as a monster. I'd come close to telling Daisy once before, but Bobbi wasn't ever someone I really spoke to much. I went over to the bench and sat down. Bobbi sat down beside me.

"If you're not comfortable telling me, just say. You don't have to tell me," Bobbi said.

"No, it's fine, I'll show you," I replied, taking a deep breath.

I undid the velcro strap on the glove and pulled it off. My stomach turned when I looked at the scars across my hand. I had bionic plating underneath some areas of the back of my hand. I heard Bobbi try to stifle a shocked gasp. She gently took my hand and ran her index finger across it. 

"Wh-what happened?" she asked.

"The people I used to work for. They put us in dangerous situations with no extraction plan. They claimed to be the S.H.I.E.L.D of the shadows. I got involved with the wrong mission because I was their best agent. I was sent to kill someone. He was more dangerous than he seemed and dragged a blade through my hand, destroying it. Turns out, Coulson was there with the same intention as me - but he had an extraction plan if things went sideways. He found me and got me out of there. Patched up my hand and recruited me," I explained, not making eye contact with Bobbi.

"Oh Y/n..."

"I trusted the owners of the organisation to not send me on a suicide mission. I nearly died," I finished, laughing harshly.

Bobbi put her hand on my arm and stroked it gently.

"If I could've known you then, I would've saved you," she told me.

I smiled.

"I know," I said, looking up at her.

At that moment, I saw something I've never seen in Bobbi's eyes. A sort of... longing. I felt my stomach flip; not out of disgust.

"Would you trust me to save you?" she asked.

Her voice was soft but desperate.

"Yes," I replied, nodding. "Yes I would."

Bobbi seemed to relax for a moment, then she leaned forward, placing her lips on mine. I put my hands on her shoulders and held her as we kissed. I felt safe around Bobbi. I'd felt a sort of safety around her since I set eyes on her. When we drew back, Bobbi whispered, "I'm sorry, but I needed to."

"It was nice," I replied quietly.

My face was inches away from Bobbi's. I admired her prettiness.

"It was," Bobby replied, smiling.

We stood up and kissed again. This time, Bobbi lifted me from the ground and held me in her strong arms. This sudden burst of affection we had for each other was exhilarating. Bobbi put me down.

"Thankyou for trusting me enough to tell me," she thanked.

"Thankyou for being trustworthy enough for me to tell you," I thanked her. "Agent Bobbi Morse."



Didn't know how to end this, but I was listening to 'Castle on a Hill' and 'Hey there Delilah' whilst writing the end of this, so...

Have a great day/night guyssss!!

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