67. Mutual feelings - Gamora

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The ship sailed through the outer atmosphere of the deserted planet as everyone got ready to set off for the mission. I was in my little area, flipping my daggers in my hands and sharpening them on a rock.

"Hey," Quill greeted, standing beside me.

"Hey," I replied with a polite smile, throwing one dagger up and catching it in the opposite hand, and vice versa with the other dagger. "You ready then?"

"Yeah," Peter replied with a big smile. "You're... pretty talented with those daggers y'know?"

"Of course I know that," I scoffed.

Okay, I do not have a big ego (hey, no pun intended on Quill's father) but I know when I'm good at something.

"I think you're talented in other ways though, of course," Peter commented.

I raised an eyebrow.

"Oh?" I inquired. "And what ways are they?"

"You..." Quill trailed off.

Was he seriously trying to flirt with me?

"You have a way of words," he finished. "You can easily- you're good at getting people to do what you want. Like hell you can make me do anything."

I kept my gaze firmly on what I was doing, ignoring the last inappropriate comment.

"Quill, Y/l/n, we're landing!" Rocket yelled.

I finally turned to look at Quill and saw him blushing slightly under his smirk.

"Maybe we can catch up after the mission?" he suggested.

"Sure," I shrugged as he walked off, and put my daggers in their holders.

When I turned, I saw Gamora stood near me, glaring (again no pun intended) daggers at Peter.

"What's up with you?" I asked, not letting the slight nervousness into my voice.

She turned her brown stare on me.

"You're really gonna let him talk like that to you?" she demanded.

"Like what?" I lied, fidgeting with the top of my dagger.

"Like he just did!" Gamora hissed. "Telling you you can use... words on him."

Her face showed visible disgust at this.

"What's it got to do with you?" I snapped. "If he wants to talk like that, I couldn't give two shits. He's not gonna flirt his way into my pants anyway. I'm not into him!"

"Yeah? Well he still can't get away with saying things like that!"

"It has nothing to do with you!" I insisted, seeing her gaze flicker slightly from my eyes.

"Yes it does!" Gamora replied firmly.

We fell silent for a moment until I asked, "Why do you care anyway?"

"Because he thinks he can get away with everything!" the woman replied.

"Gamora, Y/n, hurry your asses up!" Quill yelled.

I saw Gamora's lips move as she muttered something, but I didn't catch the words. I hated arguing with her - more than a regular person. Why? Because I was crushing on her like fucking crazy. No point in saying otherwise.

The blobs came at us, spikes flying. There's no other way to describe them. They are blobs of sticky jelly that have retractable spikes. I was backed into a corner by four of the large cubes of blob and 5 smaller ones. I was definitely struggling to kill them and not get shredded. I was cramped into a crack in a rock with only a few feet to fight them all off. Heart beating in my mouth, I felt a cold slice on my upper arm. I slashed my dagger into one of the small blobs, killing it. I contemplated darting out of the tiny space, but before I could make a move, the small space was covered by one of said huge jelly blobs.

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