31. Cry - Daisy Johnson

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Children cry. That's what my mom told me before she abandoned me on the streets. The sole reason I never shed a tear. The only time I'd let a few tears fall was when I was alone. Children love. That's what my mom told me when I told her I loved her and she hit me. The one reason I kept my feelings hidden.

Finding out I was an inhuman was probably one of the most confusing experiences in my life. When Simmons told me, I just stood there, not saying a word. She was confused, I could tell. When I trained with Daisy, she accidentally slammed me into the wall with her power. I wanted to cry because it hurt so much. But I didn't. I was the most emotionless S.H.I.E.L.D agent there. More emotionless than Agent May. Even Black Widow showed emotion during her time in S.H.I.E.L.D before it fell. I was the odd one out on the team.

"Morning Y/n," Daisy greeted, walking into the room in her suit.

I nodded, adjusting the bracelets on my wrist. They kept my powers under control and would alert Fitz or Simmons if my vitals changed suddenly.

"Ready for the mission?" she asked, sitting next to me.

I shrugged.

"Where's Lincoln?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Coulson's sending him on another mission with Hunter," she replied.

I was perched on the edge of the sofa, waiting to be told I could go to the jet. Daisy sat beside me in silence for a moment, before she said softly, "If you can't do this, you don't have to."

"I do," I replied. "Maybe I don't want to. But that's part of the job, doing things you don't want to do."

She chuckled.

"I got kidnapped from my van to join S.H.I.E.L.D so I'd agree with you."

From the door, I heard a voice say, "It was necessary."

We turned to see Coulson stood in the doorway.

"Wheels up in ten," he told us, before leaving.

"Well," Daisy concluded, standing up. "That's our cue to leave."

I nodded and followed Daisy to the landing pad. The jet was stood proudly in the middle, its cargo hold down. I saw Agent Morse talking to Agent May as they walked into the jet. Me and Daisy followed them in. May nodded to me, before going over to the cockpit and setting up the flight controls.

"The flight's about an hour, so make yourselves comfortable," she called.

"We've all been on longer flights," Morse replied.

"Not all of us."

Morse glanced at me, before looking at whatever she had in her hand. I was the only one who hadn't been on a jet for longer than half an hour.

"Daisy?" I asked into my earpiece as the lights went out, plunging me into darkness.

All I heard was noise from the other end of the line. I pulled out a light stick from my pocket and switched it on. The blue light that emitted from it lit up the room. I kept my footsteps light as I went over to the door. Carefully, I opened it. There was light from inside the room. It was an office. There was a figure stood, staring out the window, their back to me.

"Agent Y/L/N," the male voice said.

My heart stopped for a second. No. It can't be. I went forward, switching off the light stick and putting it away. The figure turned around, his eyes staring straight into me.

"I've been expecting you," he said with a smirk on his face.

I kept my fear hidden as I stood confidently, hand on the gun that was in my thigh holster.

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