55. 'Red means I love you' - P2

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Mr Stark led me to the room where Loki was being kept. When we walked in, I saw a round glass cell in the middle of the room, Loki sat on a bench in it. His turned to me and his blue eyes flickered.

"May I be alone?" I asked, looking at Tony.

"Of course, but the cameras are there for your protection," Tony replied. "Don't let him vex you, he's pretty good at that."

"I wouldn't worry about me Mr Stark," I assured.

Tony nodded and left the room, the door closing behind him. I approached the cell until I was right in front of the glass. Loki stood up and walked over to me, being forced to stay on the other side of the glass by the glass.

"So, Loki," I started. "I hear that you've been causing trouble here on Earth."

His eyes fell to the case I held in my hand.

"The Tesseract?" he asked.

I nodded.

"Indeed, not to be messed around with by the God of Mischief."

Loki grinned and put his hand on the glass.

"Oh darling, you have no idea what that thing does," he drawled.

I stayed silent, but let a small smirk slip onto my face.

"And the scepter?" I asked. "Where is that?"

Loki shrugged.

"SHIELD took it," he replied. "Where, I don't know."

Through gritted teeth I growled, "Ah, SHIELD again."

Loki smirked.

"I've already had to prove myself to obtain the Tesseract," I said.

Louder, I continued, "You've reduced the race of 'Asgardian' to squalor Loki. Before you, an Asgardian could come to Earth, prove themselves to be an ally and not get glared down by a Midgardian!"

Loki kept the smirk on his face and I felt adrenaline begin to run through my veins.

"You've dragged us through the mud Loki."

"Then how about we do nothing to improve that status?" he suggested.

I spun around to face the cameras and, with a quick flick of my fingers, reduced them to atoms. Almost immediately, alarms started blaring. I went over to the control panel for the cell and opened Loki's cell and placed the case carrying the Tesseract under the panel.

"I underestimated you darling," Loki commented, taking my waist and holding me in front of him.

I put my arms around his shoulders.

"Of course you did," I replied with a smile.

Me and Loki found ourselves in a passionate kiss. When I drew back - out of breath - I breathed, "I missed you darling."

"You too my love," Loki replied.

The doors to the room opened to reveal over a dozen SHIELD agents, pointing guns at us.

"Surrender!" one shouted.

Me and Loki turned to face them as they surrounded us.

"Hands up and on your knees or we'll shoot!" another one shouted.

I turned my head to Loki.

"Shall we?" I asked.

He nodded slightly, a smirk on his face. I lowered myself onto my knees, my hands above my head. Loki stayed on his feet.

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