17. Paprikash and Wanda - Wanda Maximoff

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Wanda put her hands on my waist and hugged me from behind as I stood in the compound's kitchen and cooked the chicken breasts.

"I smell paprikash," she said, putting her head on my shoulder.

I smiled and sprinkled in a few herbs. As I went back to get more, Wanda moved my hand away.

"I know you're obsessed with adding herbs to every meal, but paprikash doesn't need too many herbs," she reminded me.

"Right, thanks," I thanked her, putting the herbs away so I didn't get tempted to add more.

I instead sprinkled in some more smoky paprika powder and stirred it.

"Smells good Y/n," Tony said, walking into the kitchen.

Wanda moved to stand beside me, keeping one hand on my forearm.

"Thanks," I thanked him as he went to make himself his 4th coffee.

"You shouldn't drink so much coffee Tony," I told him, keeping my eyes on the paprikash.

"Being an Avenger is exhausting sometimes," he replied.

"We're fine without a thousand coffees per hour," I scoffed.

"Yeah but all you do is cook food," Tony said.

I felt Wanda stiffen, taking this too seriously.

"Watch your mouth," she warned, her eyes glowing red briefly.

Tony went quiet as he made his coffee. However, as he was leaving, he called, "Y/n, keep your girl in check!"

Okay, that was too far. I had to physically hold Wanda's hands down to stop her doing something to Tony. I glared at Tony, with a 'You're not getting away that easily' look, and he quickly left.

"One day I'm going to kill him," Wanda muttered angrily.

"I know... I know sweetheart," I whispered gently, tucking a strand of her brown hair behind her ear.

"Kill who?"

Of course. Me and Wanda could never be left alone for long with Pietro around. He had sped behind us.

"What did I say about speeding around in the kitchen?" I asked with a sigh, turning back to the pan and stirring the paprikash.

"Sorry," Pietro apologised.

Not gonna lie, I was pretty protective of the kitchen. It was where I spent most of my time - of course with Wanda, as we were the only people who could cook. Yelena and Kate would sometimes try cooking, but the last time they tried, Yelena left the food to burn in the oven and set off the smoke alarm.

"We're just talking about how I'm going to end Tony Stark," Wanda said dryly.

I smirked.

"Ah, well, you'd better start now if you want it to be slow," Pietro laughed.

"Maybe I might," Wanda replied, hugging her brother, before turning back to me.

"You girls need any help in here?" Pietro asked.

"No," I replied. "It's just paprikash."

"Alright, I'm going for a run before dinner," the twin said, before leaving.

Wanda laughed and came back over to me as I put the lid on the pan.

"Can I try some?" she asked.

"I've just put- Oh fine," I replied with a laugh as Wanda looked at me with her begging eyes.

Wanda got a small teaspoon and tried a bit of the sauce.

"Not bad," she said with a smile.

"Not bad?" I asked. "Seriously, that's it?"

Wanda laughed.

"Very tasty," she complimented. "Almost as good as mine."

I hugged her and kissed her cheek sweetly. Wanda was a little bit taller than me and used it to tease me sometimes, and she decided to use that against me right now as she kissed my forehead.

"Your so short," she teased, standing right in front of me so I had to look up at her. "How late is your growth spurt?"

"I had it when I was 16 actually," I replied with sarcasm.

Wanda smiled and put her arms around me, stopping me turning around to check on the paprikash.

"It'll be fine for a minute. We haven't cuddled all day," Wanda said, putting one hand on my cheek and pulling me into a kiss.

"We've been interrupted all day," I pointed out.

"Fair point."

Wanda let go of me as the sauce began to simmer so I could check on it.

"Almost ready," I said.

Later that night, everyone was watching a movie. Me and Wanda were cuddled on a blanket - me laid on her chest. She had her hand over my shoulders and I could hear her steady heartbeat.

"Honey, wake up," Wanda nudged me when I went completely still.

"I was already awake," I whispered, playing with her fingers.

"Just checking," Wanda replied, taking her hand back.

"Aw," I pouted. "I made tea for everyone, the least you could do is let me play with your hair or something."

"Shh!" Yelena hissed at us from the other side of the couch.

I heard Pietro laugh, before he said, "They're just being lovebirds."

"Ew, gross," Yelena scoffed, whilst me and Wanda giggled quietly.

When the film was halfway through, I found myself drifting into sleep. Wanda began twirling my hair around her fingers as I let exhaustion overtake me.

"Goodnight sweetheart."

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