57. Drunken love - Natasha Romanoff

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I'd been at the Avengers Compound on temporary placement for a week now, and I'd decided that I wanted to stay. I'd done my best to prove myself to Fury and Stark, but had I done enough?

"Look who it is!" Clint cried as I walked through the door.

He held a beer bottle in his hand and it was clear he was drunk. The rest of the team turned to look at me.

"Where have you been?" Natasha asked, her words slightly slurred as I approached.

I smiled softly at the red-head.

"Business," I replied, sitting down on a sofa not too far from Nat.

Thor nudged my arm and I looked at him. He held a bottle of beer in his hand and a smirk was on his face. I took it and asked quietly, "What's in it?"

"That is for me to know and you to find out Lady Y/l/n!" Thor replied loudly.

I chuckled and sniffed the drink. It was definitely laced with something - what I didn't know.

"Drink it!" Maria urged.

I - being the risk taker I was - obliged. Turns out, the drink had strong alcohol in it. It made me drunk quite quickly, and I drank the whole bottle.

"She drunk it!" Tony shouted.

Natasha laughed loudly, unable to hold herself together.

"Let's play a game," Steve suggested, smirking as he looked between me and Natasha.

"Why youuuu looking at ussss?" I asked, my words badly slurred. "Weeee not done aaaaaanything!"

Clint grabbed my arm and pulled me over to Natasha and pushed me down.

"Whyyyy?" Natasha pouted, but it was obviously fake, as she put her arm around my shoulders.

"Because the game," Maria continued. "Is for you two to admit you want to fu-"

"Don't!" I yelled. "Don't finish that!"

Maria smirked.

"Go on then, admit it!" Bruce called, still oddly sober.

"Admit whaaaat?" I tried to deflect the question.

"That you want to canoodle each other!" Tony replied.

"Canoodle?" Natasha asked with a laugh. "What does that even mean?"

"It means kissing and cuddling," Maria chuckled. "Notttt anything weird!"

Me and Natasha shared a look and smirked.

"Go onnnn admit it!" Clint urged.

"But we doooon't!" Natasha argued. "She's fucking cute but-"

"She admitted it!"


"She likes Y/n!"

I laughed whilst drunkenly shaking my head. All eyes turned to me when Natasha leaned back on the sofa, giving up denying the accusation.

"Y/n..." Steve started with a grin.


Thor passed me another bottle. I was too drunk to realise what it was at the time but it was another laced beer. I drunk it without thinking.

"What juice isssss this?" I asked through incredibly slurred words. "Is strooooong."

Thor took the bottle from me before I dropped it. Clint came over and crouched in front of my drunk self.

"Do you have a crush on Natasha?" he asked with a grin.

"Nooooo!" I cried, hardly able to lie anymore.

"Give her another!" Maria called to Thor.

"Noooo!" I shouted even louder, flapping my hands about a bit.

Natasha leaned forward and took my shoulders. In my ear, she murmured, "Come onnnn I admitted it, your turn."

Nat's breath smelled strongly of alcohol and I decided to point this out.

"You smell funnyyyyy," I replied.

"No no no," Nat shook her head. "Do you like me?"

There was something about those captivating emerald eyes that I couldn't resist. Something about them meeting my y/e/c eyes - and being drunk - that made me want to just admit it loud and clear.

"Y/n, do you like me?" Nat asked again.

"Yeahhhhh," I admitted.

There was an outbreak of cheering at this and almost immediately, more drinks were offered around. When it got to me, Maria said, "Don't give Y/n one, she's going to be reaaaaallyyyyy hung over tomorrow as it is."

I laughed and Natasha pulled me towards her.

"What?" I asked as we slouched on the sofa, me leaning against her.

"I wanna kiss youuuu real bad," Nat admitted quietly.

I looked at her.

"Not hereeeeee!" I replied. "Not in front of themmmm!"

Tony and Clint looked at us with surprise.

"Oh?" Clint asked. "What was that?"

A smirk played on his lips and Natasha protested loudly, "None of your business!"

The team finally laid off of us and started playing a game amongst themselves. Natasha pulled me into her so I was laid against her body, feeling her body heat radiating from her onto me. Eventually I started drifting into sleep.

"Goodnight Y/n," I heard Natasha whisper into my ear.

I felt her place a gentle kiss on my cheek as I slipped into sleep.

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