1. Survivors guilt - Natasha Romanoff

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Inspiration from CannedCokeOnVormir's one-shot :) You should check them out!!


I remember those last few minutes. They seemed to drag on forever.

Me, Clint and Natasha were on Vormir. We all knew what needed to happen, but we wouldn't let the other person do it. Clint and Natasha were having a half argument, half conversation about it. I stood a little bit in front of them. Biting my lip with anxiety, I couldn't let either do it. Clint had a wife, kids. Natasha had a sister. They both had their family - the Avengers. What did I have? Nothing. I was just another widow who'd never found anyone. I'd never really fit in with the Avengers. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Clint hold Nat's hand. Now was my chance. I ran forward, heading towards the cliff edge.

"Y/n!" Natasha yelled, being the first one to see me.

I didn't listen to her. I could tell she was running behind me, trying to catch up. I was mere meters from the edge. Nearly there... I blacked out for a second.

"No!" I heard Clint shout.

I opened my eyes to Clint holding me down. I tried to hit him with my widow's bite, but they weren't on my wrists.

"Looking for something?" Natasha asked from above me.

I looked up as she hit me with hers, repeatedly until I could barely move. I felt Clint get up, and heard him and Natasha start to fight. I tried to summon the energy I had to get up, but the aftershock of so many electric currents had drained me. After what seemed like a timeline, I managed to get to my feet. I saw Clint throw Nat to the ground and run towards the edge. As he leapt, I jumped at him, throwing him down. Slipping in the process, I found myself falling. Was this it? I closed my eyes, preparing to hit the ground and have a quick end. However, my eyes shot open as I felt my body suddenly stop falling. My hand instinctively grabbed onto a ledge on the cliff face. I looked up. I was on a wire. I looked down. NO! Natasha was below me.

"Nat!" I cried, tearing up.

"I won't let you," she whispered.

I barely heard her, but I protested, "You have a sister! Stay for her!"

Nat shook her head.

"She knows I love her. She knows. You deserve a life away from the chaos. I've already lived what feels like lifetimes."

"Natalia Alianovna Romanova, don't do this to me, please! Don't do this to us!" I was barely holding myself together.

I reached for her hand, and she reached up. Hope filled me. Was she going to try pull herself up? I eventually grabbed her hand, but I couldn't pull her up.

"It's okay..." she whispered, looking up at me.

She looked... at peace.

"It's okay..."

Suddenly, her hand was torn away from mine as she pushed herself off the cliff.

"NO!" I screamed, watching her plummet into the shadows. "NATASHA!"

I heard the muffled cry of Clint above me. I dragged my stare away from the bottom of the cliff. Looking up, I saw Clint had his hand hanging over the side.

"Clint... I'm sorry!" I cried, tears splashing down my face.

He didn't say anything, just reached his hand out. I took it, and he pulled me up to the top of the cliff, where we instantly hugged each other so tightly we could barely breath.

"It's not your fault y/n..." he whispered to me as I sobbed uncontrollably.

"It is Clint... I should've pulled her up..."


I sat on my bed, looking down at the picture I had of me and Nat. I was ridden with guilt from that day. I'd mercilessly fought in the endgame, but no matter how many of Thanos' army I tore my knife through, there didn't seem to be an end to my emptiness. The void was endless. I'd grown apart from everyone since. I barely spoke to anybody anymore, not even Wanda. Clint had let me stay with him, but I only spoke to him or his family if I had to. I was a wreck. I knew this. I visited Natasha's grave at least three times a week, which usually ended up in me having a breakdown every time. I knew it was her choice, but how could I find an end to the endless nothingness?

I was a survivor. Survivor's guilt hurts.


Yayy first one-shot done!

Again, credit to  for the idea :D

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