23. Traitor - Maria Hill

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"Y/nnn!" I heard the voice of my sister calling me from the other side of the field.

I looked around, grinning.

"Come ooonnn!" she urged, her voice scaring a group of blackbirds who were perched on the ragged scarecrow.

I ran through the tall stems of barley, feeling it brush against my bare legs as my brightly coloured, stripey dress flapped. The wind rushed past me, making my long blonde hair stream behind me. When I finally caught up with my older sister, I found her sat on the ground, holding something in her hand. I sat down in front of her and asked, "What's that?"

"It's a ladybug!" she whisper-shouted as the red and black bug tottered around in the palm of her small seven year old hand.

"Let me hold it," I pleaded her. "Pleaaase."

She pouted for a second, then held her hand out. I put my finger on her palm, waiting for the little bug to crawl onto my index finger. When it did, I let out a little squeal.

"Shhh!" my sister hushed me, her blue eyes wide.

"It's probably deaf," I replied with a scoff.

"Y/n just shhhh!"

I went quiet and watched the ladybug crawl across my finger. Eventually, the bug's wings suddenly started fluttering and it flew away into the air. I jumped a little, but my sister put her arms around me.

"It just flew off!" she told me.

"Where is it going?" I asked, staring into the sky.

It was bright blue, a few wisps of white cloud floating about high in the atmosphere.

"Back home!" my sister replied. "We should too, lunch will be ready soon."

"Alright," I huffed.

My sister stood up then held out a hand to help me up.

"I love you, you know that, right?" she told me as we slowly walked through the fields.

"I love you too Maria."

"No..." Maria backed away, dropping her gun to the floor as she saw my face.

I stared straight at her, my cold gaze unfaltering.

"Good afternoon sister," I greeted icily, with my hands still above my head.

"It was you..." Maria trailed off, her voice quivering. "You belong to HYDRA?"

I laughed.

"Don't sound so surprised Maria. You knew what was going to happen the day you left me for dead!" I spat with venom lacing my voice.

I brought my hands from above my head. I bent down to pick up my gun, before putting it back in my thigh holster.

"I see now why you two are related," the red-head woman beside Maria muttered.

"Such a shame I'm related to her," I replied carelessly, pulling my work phone out of my suit pocket.

I checked the time, then said, "Well, better be off! Nice seeing you again Maria."

I turned to leave, but my arm was grabbed. I sighed and turned back around. The red-head let go of me.

"I don't think so Miss Hill," she snapped.

"It's not Hill," I informed her calmly.

"What...?" I heard Maria ask quietly.

I turned to look at her.

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