The new Mikealsons

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To the outside a world it was the four brothers two mikealson, one de Martel and one Gerard

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To the outside a world it was the four brothers two mikealson, one de Martel and one Gerard. It was a massive giant family nobody could keep up more cousins, brothers, sisters. Reality was very different.

"How did you come around to it" Kol asks from his spot on my couch. They had stuck around after the first birthday/introduction to society. My father was upstairs in the playroom with Hope and his grandchildren. "What" "being a dad" I pause thinking over my answer "the first time I didn't" I said deciding to be honest "I loved her she was my entire world you met her" "Persian chick what was her name" "Azar my wife I loved her more than life itself I was willing to accept it for her she wanted a baby so bad she was so excited and I loved her" I said sighing "then she passed during childbirth she uh I hated Lilith she was practically raised by ivar and Erik and other random women in the beginning" i sigh "I kinda avoided her I was grieving my wife didn't acknowledge her for years she was three or four I think" i said sitting opposite him "the triplets I was I was fearful I didn't want more children Lilith was enough I didn't want my kids to be a thousand years apart I imagine my father went through something similar...I was equally excited I love babies everyone will tell you that" I shrug "Loki Loki" hope came running in dragging prince "careful Hope his little" I said "he mean" Hope pouts making me chuckle. Prince was the triplet that was quick on his feet and clearly stubborn and mean, Saint was my playful one would do anything to play and never wanted to stop, and reign she was my bookworm the one who isn't as mobile as the other but loved snuggles. They were all chatty Saint was the chatterbox. Prince and reign were on the same page with barely speaking English, they try though.
A moment later my father walks into the room. He passes Saint to me "she wanted you" this confuses me Saint was normally not the one to want me. Not that I'd ever complain. "Go give Kol snuggles" I tell Prince to go doesn't appreciate snuggling nearly as much as his sisters even at one, not even when his going to bed. "Hope I'll let you in on a secret sometimes Prince and Saint get mad and frustrate when we can't understand them" she nods who knows if she understood it. "Daddy daddy come on" she said dragging him away "is reign still there" I call "with Caleb" he answered I nod even if he can't see me. "You wanted daddy" I muse brushing saints ash blonde hair out of her face. She just puts her head on my chest.

"How do you feel" "I don't know" he answered after a moment. "Would human you have been excited" "it never occurred to me the thought of being a father while Rebekah urned for it I just" he shrugs I almost chuckle at him and prince awkwardly sitting "you can let him go Prince you use nice hands and feet ok" I said he nods his one so who knows if he understood, we don't punish them yet. He races away without hesitation. I get up gently passing Saint to him. Saint pouts but eventually sighs "how does it feel" "what do you mean your making me hold your children" I roll my eyes "you don't have to" "no no we are comfortable" I chuckle "with them it was different...when you have the baby there is this unimaginable love and devotion" "I can tell...between you and Nik" I nod "they will endless love you do you love Davina" "what type of a question is that of course I do" "if you can't come around to the idea just support her because I promise you when you see the baby" "what if that's not enough" "look davvy is a strong woman she will be able to do it on her own no problem she will also be able to tell so don't tell her your into it if your really not...supporting her doesn't have to mean supporting the baby be honest with her and always remember it takes two to tango" I told him he nods "Loki Thordis" Davina said pausing in the doorway "Lana and Caleb are doing something he couldn't find you and Valkyrja went out this morning" I nod taking reign "she's snuggly "yeah she is try prince he hates it only make him do it when his been naughty" "Saint" "she's the prefect mix" I muse stepping aside so she can see Kol holding Saint. "Want me to I can go you guys talk you know what I should if Saint gets annoying" I said walking away "Valkyrja said you weren't together" "nope" I shake my head "one night which resulted in three babies" I shrug carelessly "should we go find your brother" I muse bouncing reign "ess" she said.

I put reign on the grass, she immediately runs over to Prince and Hope. I tap my father's back. "Prince and Hope seem like quiet the duo" "think they all are a bit of a team" I nod "Saint" he questioned "with Kol him and Davina are talking" he nods "I'm thinking of moving here" he said after a moment "if you want pick wherever the pack is everywhere so you won't be alone" he nods "your pack I would like to be close to you" I sigh "that is your decision you have to make based on Hope not me...same as Kol needs to talk to Davina about what he wants" "he tell you" "he told me he doesn't know" "you and Valkyrja" "you know for a thousand years everyone has been trying to get us together last Lucian said Araceli and I were made for each other suddenly I have three kids to her and everyone shut up" he chuckles "your good happy it's nice to see" I muse shoving him gently "I want her to have a sibling" "she has one me" "one her age" "want one of mine I have three" he chuckles knowing I was joking. "I'll think about don't know maybe Valkyrja may not like it" "no she probably won't and they are all pretty attached to me" he nods "I've noticed" I smile "papa" I hear Lilith call making me smile.

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