A hero

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I walk into the cafe looking around

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I walk into the cafe looking around. I sigh sitting in front of the girl I'm meeting. "Anna" I greet "Loki" she sighs "so are you going to tell me why your causing problems because if I knew I wouldn't have turned you or you know saved you from the Gilbert device that night" "why did you save me" "I always saw something in you Anna maybe it's because you remind me of my daughter" I shrug "no one has figured it out have they" I shake my head "and your not going to tell them" "your kinda the only parental figure I have left now" I hum even if I didn't show it it did make my heart warm. "I'll always come for you my Annabel" she smiles the same way my daughter does when she hates the attention but secretly loves it. "I got you this" I look confused picking up the paper on the table "you know where Kathrine is.....you never lost track of her" she said in realisation "what can I say we have a common denominator" she rolls her eyes "anyways the key you've been looking for is Bennett blood" "so I need doppelgänger blood, vampire, werewolf and not any witch Bennett witch blood" "yeah but from what I learnt it's Bennett blood combined with witch blood so you need both probably more likely to work if it's a descendant of the witch who the original witch channeled as it is connected to that spell" I nod "thank you Anna" I said staring at the outline it wasn't the spell I had that but this was the next best thing. I get up walking out beside her. We were in New York, no fear of the mystic falls people seeing. What's to come needs to be away from them.

I pause on the street making Anna stop and follow my eye line. "Isn't that one of your girlfriends" "not my girlfriend I don't have a girlfriend" "oh that's right your heart belongs your dead wife" I glare at her "sorry there is a thing though just like you and Kathrine has a thing" I roll my eyes pulling my phone out "papa" I can't help but smile at her voice "Lilith darling I was wondering if you knew what happened to Jenna Sommers" "Elena's aunt" I hum "uh she died in Klaus ritual Elena bitches about it a lot why" "because Valkyrja is sitting across the road with her" "what" "yep" "are you sure" "I had lunch with miss Sommers before she died I think I would remember what she looked like" "but she's meant to be dead" "she is" "you think Valkyrja brought her back somehow" "don't know I got to go love you" I said hanging up "what are you going to do" Anna asks "I don't know...right now I'm going to spend time with you" she smiles happily looping her arm with my waiting one. "What do you want to do a pub crawl movie night" I said smirking at her she just shrugs. "When was the last time you saw Valkyrja" "haven't kept track it's been a couple hundred years though" she nods "do you want to say hi" "no" I kept walking or acting dragging her along. "Are you going to kill the doppelgänger at the end" "I much prefer to make her suffer for an eternity" she nods "you know I'll come if you call" I said pulling her close hugging her. Before it was her mission to free her mother from the tomb it was her whole identity for hundreds of years. Then she was mummy's puppet now well now she lost. I do have a thing for lost souls though, not romantically she like a bonus daughter.

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