A hurt heart

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I had been with Luna or queen Luna as she sometimes insists when I got the call about my treacherous

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I had been with Luna or queen Luna as she sometimes insists when I got the call about my treacherous. I follow screams wondering what on earth is happening. That's when I saw something that broke my heart. My daughter weak and being tortured. "It won't work Farrah" I said walking over to the cage scowling. I break the lock holding my hand out to my daughter who's giggling at Farrah's failure. I held a blood bag up to her pale lips letting her drink. "How" Lilith asked looking at me "I was with Luna" she nods drinking the rest of the blood bag. I take the cuffs off "you are going to wait in your room" I grab her chin tightly "if your not there" "I will be" she mumbled before walking away. "Want to tell me why your torturing my daughter" I spat at farrah right as Silva entered "she killed someone and stole a car" he said before explain everything "you could have called me" i muse rolling my eyes.

The walk into her room. "Papa" "im not mad that you killed someone or stole im pissed you did it here where they call me or judge me if you want to do that go on a blood binge in Florida or California or something you don't do it in a school like this" "why because it makes you look back" "it does but I'm concerned about the fact that some of these fairies are extremely powerful and could disarm or overwhelm you and on top of that these specialist are good at fighting you don't kill people at school" I snap "papa" "I talked to Silva and Farrah your not expelled but you have to do extra credit all and bunch of other stuff now if I get another call saying your killed someone you coming with me" she nods quickly "I'm sticking around for a little bit" I said kissing her head. Before laying on her bed. "Are you ok papa" "I saw your mother" she froze "what do you mean" "Silas he dropped the veil" she nods "your mother wants me to drop the crusade of bringing her back and move on" "so she agrees with me" she lays beside me "I couldn't stick around any longer I was going to help them put it back up but seeing her" "so you came and hung out with Luna was it filled with extra circulars" I shove her making her laugh "I'm not telling you" "so there was" she gasps making me roll my eyes. "I had just seen my dead wife do you really think I was in the mood" I said "I don't know when your in the mood you really think I pay attention to that papa" I roll my eyes at her "so were you a Lone Ranger in this crusade or were your boy toys apart of it" "you have to stop referring to them as that" "oh I'm sorry are they something more" she sighs "when they pass all my test I'll refer to them as something else" I shrug she rolls her eyes moving closer to me. I wrap my arm around her. "So what are you going to do live in my room" it was my my turn to roll my eyes "why don't you go hang out with your dad" I look over at her "Valkyrja told me me gossip" she shrugs making me sigh "bigger things going on right now" she hums "did they hurt you" "I heal" "you looked very pale you scared me" "I'm fine papa" she sighs leaning up and kissing my cheek "is it you or Araceli I have to thank for the protection" "well when you were born I did it but I made Araceli do it when you were a kid the curse and all I didn't know if mine worked...Araceli told me a few years back that my spell keeps it sealed as a spell that can only be broken by me but it was a bit weak because of my magic so it wasn't flawless so she did it and basically made your head impenetrable...by time people break her spell they will be exhausted and despite the flaws they couldn't break it one of the first spells I did after I broke the curse" I knew I didn't need to but she would want me to explain "what when" "before you woke up after I turned back" she slowly nods I could tell she was shocked.

Thank god I stuck around. The school was in chaos burned ones everywhere. I follow my daughters scent to find her unconscious in the greenhouse her main side boy looks to be making a potion, while the other stares at me. "What happened" "she got thrown into the forcefield protecting Rosalind" he said making me nod. I pull a blood bag out before watching her main boy toy heal her with it. She gasps awake as though someone snapped her neck. I hand her four files of my blood. "Drink up boys" "we're leaving Lilith" she pauses "seems this school isn't safe and you my darling need to be safe your boy toys can come if you desires" i said kissing her forehead before turning to leave "Rosalind" I said "I'm surprised to see you Loki then again you never could stay away from a fairy" she glances at Lilith making me growl. "Darling take your boy toys and pack your things make sure decisions are made by time I join you" I told her she nods leaving me alone with Rosalind. "I best be on my way" "what if I told you I could bring her back" "I'd tell you your wasting your time now I want to make one thing very clear I'm taking my daughter and her friends if they chose to come but if I get word Lunas daughter is in some kind of danger because of you your head will make a nice decoration" I snap before pushing past her. It's the least I could do, Luna held a special place in my heart and despite not knowing her I would protect her daughter if need be.

I sat on the fence on my phone "Lilith and I are leaving she's bring her boy toys I think do you want me to bring your daughter" I said looking around the chaos. It was like everything but me was chaos. "Rosalind will destroy it all you know how to find me and that I know how to train fairies so if push comes to shove I'm telling you Luna get her out of the school I told Ben to get his children out but I don't know if he will I know musas family so I might take her I'll have to talk to her though" I can't help but laugh "no I'm not starting my own school but that doesn't mean I won't train them...I should go if anything happens you know how to find me" I said before hanging up. "You ready papa" "yeah your boy toys coming" I ask looking at them "yeah" I nod "I just have to make one stop and then we shall go" I said walking towards the dorms.

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