Where is Hope

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Rebekah rung when she saw the starlings. It wasn't until Elijah turned up and she snapped his neck that it got so very confusing. Him asking where hope was rung in her ears. She was confused, she had been kept out of the drama.

Klaus send the address to his son before getting Hayley. "Klaus where's hope" Hayley demanded they were all under the impression she was with Rebekah but here Rebekah was without the baby. Klaus had hoped Loki got there before him but unfortunately that didn't happen.

Meanwhile Loki was driving a car music playing. "One look could kill my pain your thrill you better know that our family is crazy, crazy you don't know it yet but that are crazy" Loki sung along to the tune. "Just a tribrid girl living in a lonely world took the midnight car trip to see her family" he said as I change the song again "honestly hope I don't know what music is here Lilith picked" he said changing "our family started the fire it was really hot don't get burnt" he sung along dancing as I drive "get into it hope" he said glancing back seeing her arms in the mirror. "Listen to your heart when it's calling for you, listen to your heart because our family is insane listen to your heart" he sung "yes I'm great aren't I hope I should turn it up your lucky uncle Elijah isn't here he would have you listen to Bach or something terrible like that" he smiled hearing the baby giggle like a crazy person.

The car pulls up gaining everyone's attention. Loki effortlessly got out moving to the back to get hope. Hayley ran towards the baby the moment she saw her. "She likes dancing and music" Loki told her handing her over. "I got a million videos Valkyrja loves videoing everything uh her favourite food is avocado with a little honey and she'll only eat if you eat to" I said "thank you I didn't know you had her but" "I know" I said squeezing her arm walking over to Lilith "I missed you papa" i just held her tight.

I was sitting in the front steps with Lilith. "Loki" I look up to see Klaus he hands me a beer. I tap Lilith as a silent give us a minute "I'm going to see what Rebekah is doing she seems like I could get on with her" I nod taking a sip of the beer my father gave me. "Thank you" "she's my sister you don't have to thank me we had a lot of fun I'll send you the videos of her us when all this is over" he nods "she's a good distraction" I hum nodding "took me fourish years to figure out but she's the perfect distraction" I smile "she's a good person despite the craziness" "how many times did she ask you to murder someone" he chuckles "for a while it was daily then I think she just assumed it was a no" "there's a bodies somewhere all over the city hey as long as no one finds them right" I hold my beer up which he instantly clinks as a cheers "how did you do it with all your enemies and her"  "no one outside of the pack and you know" I shrug "I trust her as well" "I dreamed about you for so long meeting you doing all kinds of things with you it got worse when I became a werewolf" "I'm here now can't imagine your going to let hope grow up without you" I shrug "my daughter told me you and her painted" he nods "yeah she told be about how great of a father you were and what you would probably doing with hope" "yeah took me a while but I kinda just envisioned what I wanted you to be like and knew it all had to start and end with love" "did I measure up" "don't think I really gave you a chance to" I shrug sipping my beer "I would like it if you came back...according to my not so dead brother my aunt Daliah made a deal with ester about the first born" "and because I'm technically your first born" "I'm not handing you over to her just like" "why I can't die can with stand a lot and if it protects Lilith I'd do it without question" "I'm not handing you over" he said certainly "besides we don't know if she exists" "like your mother remaining dead" "what would you say if you came back to New Orleans to help" "you know you don't have to ask if you want me in Orleans with you then I will be" I shrug "I want you to promise me something though no one knows just how powerful I am I know if I didn't tell you Lilith would have think of it as your own personal secret weapon" I said "I serious don't know how you deal with Elijah so long gahhh" Lilith said walking out sitting beside me. I wrapped my arm around her pulling her close. "It's like he sucks the air out of the place but still is so unhinged" she complained making me and my father laugh.

I was walking past the dining room where Hayley held hope and Klaus in the dining chair talking. I didn't want to interrupt but hope whined and reached out for me. "I know id miss me to" I said walking over to her "you missed our dance parties right" she leaned to me making Hayley hand her over. "I'm your favourite and that's how it will always be" I said tickling her side "I have a child Hayley I know how to make babies smile" "even if you avoided me when I was a baby" Lilith shouted "I was grieving dying from childbirth was a real epidemic you got lucky" I said shrugging carelessly. "Shall we go light fire to my child I think so yes we shall" I said before glancing up "we'll do it later ok I think your mum wants snuggles and you my little firefly give the best snuggles" I smile as she smiles up at me before handing her back to Hayley. "What kids love me I'm very loveable" I shrug walking out of the room.

"That's enough wood Rebekah we don't want to burn the whole state down" "aww but that would be so fun" I said pouting they all just look at me. "There's one ingredient missing" "I'd imagine Niklaus would much rather forget" "what is it" Hayley asks "we would write wishes and burn them it was Kols favourite part" "all the more reason to forget" "hope first bonfire we are doing it" "it's my first with the family to" Lilith said raising her hand "do I have to i hate the idea" she adds "come on wildfire" I said pulling her away.

I lean on the counter writing. "Ohh what's yours" "that me and hope are safe papa" Lilith said "your turn" "it's always been me and you the pack was always there but" "if you don't like this wildfire you can leave at any time you know I'm always nearby or a phone call away I want you comfortable first I'll hang around for home yeah but your happiness is more important to me" I told her "I feel like everyone forgets we are here papa what's the point if they don't notice us" "they may not but hope does and I know you can feel it" I told her kissing her head "I'm going back to New Orleans with them i don't want you there I can tell your not happy" I said moving her hair "go hangout with your boy toys or the Gilbert boy" she sighs "we've already been always so long papa I don't want to be apart" "then you can come but one word that your unhappy" "I'll be gone I promise papa" I smile kissing her head.

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