Introduction into Society

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It had been a year

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It had been a year. A year since I had spoken to anyone outside the pack. A year since my father made the greatest sacrifice. Valkyrja had triplets, two girls and a boy. A girl and boy were twins genetically. Their birthday is a week away and there is one thing I want. I think everyone knew what I wanted. It was the same thing as with all of Liliths birthdays only this one is a little more special. This one is their introduction. See both Valkyrja and I are from a time where the babies aren't seen until their first birthday when they are introduced. It's time.

I was in my house in Arkansas it had been a year. A year since all this started to unfold. Kol walked in with Davina shortly before my father came in carrying hope. I didn't know anything that happened. We sat in silence as Araceli got us drinks, which is when Marcel walked in. "Ok I'll ask why are we here" Kol asks sipping his drink "how's being a vampire" I mock "can we move this along" Marcel said impatiently "look we all have something here something to fight for" "like what" Davina questioned "family look we all have something some more than others I have the triplets who will be one in a few days" i said rubbing my face "we all have our issues with Elijah Rebekah and Freya some more than others" I glance at Marcel "my preposition is we make a new Mikealson family one we would be happy for our children to be apart of" "what do you propose" my father said "there are many options we can be whoever we want" Kol looks at my father "four Mikealson brothers...or" Kol began "his our father and that's our uncle" Marcel finished "whichever you prefer" "it's weird already I mean I class you as a brother and I'm sleeping with your uncle" "family is unconventional" I said shrugging not caring "might be easier to explain to your kids and hope if your all siblings" Araceli suggested "it can be whatever we desire a new beginning" my father said rocking hope "does anyone know what happened to Elijah and Rebekah" Marcel asked "well you bit us and Rebekah was crazy" Kol shrugged Marcel nodded and silently Kol nodded a silent I'm sorry. "Family all of us in this room what about your pack" "they are my family as well" "the triplets are one soon aren't they" Kol said making me nod "that's why you want to do this you want family to introduce them to on their introduction day" he adds smirking figuring it all out "introduction day" Davina said confused "the first birthday of a new baby is when they get introduced to the world it's a tradition from our time" Kol explained "three days I would like you all there to meet them...I want my two year old sister there" "isn't hayley" Marcel began "she doesn't know where we are after Loki left I vanished with Hope" my father explained "won't she come for you for Hope" Araceli questions "she can try she won't find us...she was the biggest danger to Hope" my father said shrugging.

Everyone was here. "Meet Saint Tristan" I said "Prince Nikolas" "she wants her daddy" Valkyrja said passing me Reign "and my strawberry blonde Reign Aurora" I finish smiling as Hope ran up to me. I reach down picking her up holding her and Reign close. Saint in Davinas arms and Prince in Valkyrjas. "Uh I have something to say" Davina said after several moments of everyone doting on my babies and Hope. "I was pregnant when I died" everyone froze "it's kols well your essence was in Caleb's body uh" "wouldn't the baby have been born by now" Marcel asked it had been a year between kols death and resurrection, so technically two-three years now. "The witches slowed it down when they tried to kill her and then" "the nexus vorte stalled the pregnancy" I finish having figured it out "then when Loki brought me back it" "you needed magic to jump start it and when you jump started me my magic tethered to you it started the pregnancy again" I said making her nod "wait that spell you did to try get my magic back" Kol said looking between us. "Yeah" Davina said "that would make you ten months right" my father questioned "sometimes you don't show" Valkyrja mused "eight months actually and I would love it if you are all apart of our babies life" "of course uncle Loki is the best" I muse "drinks anyone" Araceli said holding up glasses "no I'm holding my child" Valkyrja said "I'm holding two children but I'll still drink" I said "your an invincible tribird who can't get drunk how do you expect to do it while holding a toddler and a baby" she said "I'll help him" Araceli mused smirking at me "you look hot holding two babies" she whispered in my ears making me pause. "Shame it's not mine" she adds running her hand up my arm. "Who knows apparently I'm fertile" she just chuckles. I rocks tickling hopes side as she starts to wriggle.

"You heard from them" I ask my father reign in my arms. Prince and Saint was stumbling on the floor with Hope. They weren't are quick or stable on their feet as Hope was but they still had fun together. "I know hayley is looking but no I haven't" he turned to me "won't she be happier with her siblings" "probably but then I'd have to join right now I don't feel like rolling on the floor with my sister and children" he chuckles handing me a drink "come to grandpa" he said taking reign from me. I can't help but chuckle "we had a whole meeting about the new Mikealson family and what that would look like...god this is going to be so confusing to explain to them" "to everyone they are cousins they are raised that way" "outside we are all just siblings but on the inside it's complicated...where are you living father" "I haven't settled anywhere yet I know Kol and Davina are in Europe" "Is he happy him and Davina kinda just disappeared I know she told him about the baby before" "that I don't know" "maybe you should go talk to him from what I remember you weren't ecstatic about Hope now look at you single dad" I muse "I can watch hope what's one more" I said shrugging "go your brother needs you" I tap his shoulder "daddy daddy" Hope said i caught her "daddy has to help uncle Kol but I need some Loki time" she giggles as I tickle her and swing her around. I notice Davina with Marcel across the backyard.

"Davvy" I call jogging over Hope in my shoulders. Reign in my arms. "You got this super dad thing down" Marcel jokes prying hope from my shoulders. "He'll be fine my dad wasn't exactly thrilled with the idea of her but look at him now" I muse "your dropping a bomb on them that they thought was a possibility...they have to accept it before they even begin to come to terms with it" I told them "how can you be so sure" "I went through it with Lilith first it's the it's impossible then it's the your lying and slowly you accept's the unimaginable happening" I told her she nods "i I get it" "doesn't make it hurt less when his telling you your lying or that it's not real" I tap reigns bum settling her against me. "He'll be ecstatic....his dreamed of wanting a family his whole life and his only just got them it's still in the this could be ripped away any second period and then this" I muse smiling at her "how did you get so relaxed" "practice" i answer as Caleb runs up "Loki Loki" "what's up bud" "can I stay with you" "as long as your parents are ok with it I always tell your dad it's fine...Hopes sleeping over" I muse "can we play games" "anything your heart desires" "when's Lili coming home" "well she's in France living her best life...but I let you on a teeny tiny secret she always comes home" "why if she's having fun" "the same reason you do your mum and dad are at home" "so she comes home to you" I nod "i wish I could see France you think they would let me go" "probably not crossing an ocean is a big thing only to be done when your bigger" he nods pouting before his eyes light up "what if you take me" I can't help but laugh "you the alpha you can tell them" "I could but I won't because that's not something I belong with your parents whether you realise it yet or not" I told him making him sigh "what are you trying to con Loki into now" Thordis said "dad" Caleb groans "his trying to convince me to take him to France" Thordis sips his beer "I'm sorry Loki" Lana said "don't be....his a kid with lots of ambition" "ambition he gets from his father" Lana said looking at Thordis it may not be obvious to anyone but me but I can tell they have problems. I stand up adjusting reign who whines at my attempt to put her down. I smile at Caleb who's now running on the grass with Prince, Saint and Hope. "Ambition is a fabulous trait lana...if you want to take him anywhere you let me know you may not like it but his apart of the pack so it's if you want to we can pay for everything" I said putting my hand on her shoulder, she just smiles awkwardly.

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