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The spell was just beginning we were both in the circle when Lilith entered with my father who was dragging ester

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The spell was just beginning we were both in the circle when Lilith entered with my father who was dragging ester. I don't listen to the terrible monologue speech thing ester says to dahlia, focusing on Lilith. I didn't realise it until recently but whenever she's in the room my soul focus is on her. Before I can blink my father lodges a dagger through ester into dahlia. I can't help but chuckle as they turn to dust. Right as Rebekah and Elijah enter the building. "We make a good team" i muse my father helping me stand as I'm weak from my magic fighting against her. "Papa i was so worried" Lilith said shocking most people in the room. She dives on me "never do that again" my father behind me keeping me upright. I just need a nap and I'll me fine. I held Lilith tightly "you were perfect wildfire" she smiles "come on I need to nap" she nods wrapping her arm around me. "If we may" "you didn't want to be apart of the plan Elijah so don't take charge now" Lilith snapped making me wonder what happened "Klaus she took hope" Hayley said obviously expecting him to do something. "She's safe with Thordis" Lilith assured making Klaus nod. Klaus had yet to meet Thordis but he knew of him and that he was apart of the pack. "Klaus she kidnapped your daughter" Elijah stated I don't miss Lilith rolling her eyes "Loki and I told her to keep hope safe and that's what she did" Klaus shrugged.

I woke up hours later in my home in New Orleans. I walk down the steps always getting tackled by Caleb when I reach the bottom. "I told you not to run I'm sorry Loki" "it's fine Lana his a kid" I shrug "can you teach me magic" "I think you should ask your mum that and first I need to check on Lilith" "and hope" I nod smiling ruffling the boys hair before walking away.

"Loki" Valkyrja gasped I see my father playing with hope making me smile. Lilith was with her boy toys by the pool. "I I need to tell you something" I nod giving her my undivided attention. "I'm pregnant" I stare at her shocked "I uh" "no no I'm ecstatic just extremely shocked" "you don't have to" "I want to" I said cutting her off "Lilith knows she heard the heartbeat when I was looking for you" I nod walking over and hugging her. "I'm excited" I said hearing her sigh contently.

I sat down beside my father, Hope in his arms sleeping. "What are you going to do about Hayley, Rebekah, Elijah" he shrugs "I'm going to be a dad again Valkyrja is pregnant" I told him "how do you feel about it" "amazing I love babies" I shrug "you know what I realised" I look at him "we are more like siblings than father and son" "progress we were acquaintances not that long ago" I smirk at him before my eyes land on a giggling hope. "Probably be easier for her and my new baby to wrap their head around as opposed to explaining why their dad is the same age as their grandfather or brother" he nods "your siblings and Hayley aren't going to let you stay here with her" "I know" he sighed "they can't get into the house it's spelled along with being in Valkyrja's name it's complicated with her the vampirism stuff her banshee side doesn't allow the normal vampire laws to exist so the house stands as if it were in a humans name" I explain glancing back seeing Valkyrja moving about the house. "Hayley doesn't understand how to be a mother especially one to a tribrid" "I know" he said you could tell he was struggling with what to do. "I may not stick around but know I'll always be around especially for her" "not for me" he rolls his eyes "you know if you call I'll be there" "I want you to be my plan b if anything happens take hope and disappear" I nod "I'll raise her beside my own if that's what it takes" I assure him.

The banging made me sigh. It was like a thousand bulldozers banging on the door. "No" I said firmly to Lilith who went to open the door. She just rolled her eyes before walking away "Lilith if they misstep" "they won't papa I know the rules" I was letting her have her some fun for now, she's been through a lot recently. I'll go back to testing them shortly. "What is with the racket a pregnant lady is" "gorgeous go back into the other room" I said cutting her off before opening the door. I roll my eyes pretending I don't expect Elijah, Hayley, Rebekah and the other aunt don't know her. "Is there a reason you are attacking my door at 11am" "where's my baby" Hayley said instantly going to step forward only to be held back by Elijah. "With my father we gave her to him the moment it was over they aren't here" "where are they" Elijah asks "how am I meant to know I've been busy insuring everything I need has been packed along with that my child is ok" "your leaving" Rebekah said "yes now can I get back" "of course" Elijah asked "where is" "I don't know where your baby is Hayley" I snap lying very much Klaus was upstairs with Hope. I close the door leaving them there. "Handsome" "we leave tonight pick somewhere anywhere on the planet know Lilith will be there along with probably some people from the pack" I told her "as much as I would love you all to myself I think it would be safe with them also id never say no to our sweet Lilith" I can't help but snort Lilith sweet impossible. "Anywhere" I nod kissing her heard before going to tell everyone.

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