Plan B

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I heard they killed Lucian part of me was sad but I expected it in the end

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I heard they killed Lucian part of me was sad but I expected it in the end. There was never a scenario this wouldn't end in death. I race up the steps to see chaos "what can I do" I ask looking around "I would say plan b but I think it's best you head home" Klaus said walking over to me. "Father" "I know you probably can help but" "no no I need you to know I helped Davina yes but I helped her with the promise of your survival I wouldn't jeopardise your life" "I know" he said staring in my eyes "you have a baby on the way and I can't let you risk that touch need to go home" I nod he wraps his arms around me "I can tie your life to mine so no matter the hell they do to you they can't kill you" "it will kill you" "not if I have it siphoned off that way we can insure we see each other again" I assure him savouring the hug. Our first hug. I walk over to Hope picking her up. "We're not going to see each other for a while" I state holding her close. I look up seeing Hayley by the door "I'm sorry if my actions kept you from her I never intended it to be longer than I was gone had to insure you and Elijah would try to accidentally sacrifice her" "I hated it but I do understand why I also know you had nothing to do with the aftermath" I had Hayley a piece of paper "top ones my number bottom is a close friend thought it would be better than Lilith I'll drop everything for her so you need anything call me it doesn't matter if you know I live on the other side of the world or am super busy I'll always come" I finish kissing hopes head before handing her to Hayley and leaving  "babies Klaus Valkyrja went to find out how many exactly" I said before disappearing.

I was in cemetery "you shouldn't be here" the witch said as I set up. I choose to ignore the witch continuing. I begin to chant the spell I had done countless times, the same spell I wish worked on my son. I could feel the magic pour out of me. The ground began to shift. It was soft rumbles before it was earth shaking. The blood poured from my eyes and nose. I rarely ever use this much power. I felt my life draining. No doubt everyone could feel the earth shaking.

"How" I hear making me stop "I told you I'd help you keep you safe I failed you" "the stone" "I pulled you back together" I mumble barely able to stay awake. "Loki hey Lo" she said racing over to me "I'm fine just need a nap" "Magic can kill you loki" she rushed out "I rarely use this much magic but the earth needed Davina Claire" she smiles her award winning smile. "Plan b" I mumble out she looks confused "we have to get out of here the city they will kill us both davvy" "first we have to get you up I'm going to need you to help" she said I push all my strength into getting up and helping her, i didn't have much strength in me. She struggled and stumbled. "I can't I need to sleep" "you literally just told me they are going to kill us" "I'm trying Davvy" my words come out slurred "celli she can siphon" I mumble resting my head on her shoulder, my body was slumped. "I don't know why you're telling me that" she said as she began to walk struggling to bring me.

Loki passed out against Davina. She had been around him long enough to know he doesn't travel alone. She pulled out his phone dialling liliths number. "Papa" "Lilith it's Davina" "why do you have my papas phone I thought you were dead" "he brought me back and he his unconscious and I don't know what to do" "uh I think Fernando or Erik are in New Orleans I'm in France so" "right right of course" "I can call them for you" "no no it's fine" Davina got ready to hang up but stopped hearing Lilith speak "Davina put are protection border around you and him not only does he have an endless amount of enemies he also would have pissed a lot of people off bringing you back don't let anyone but Erik or Fernando in promise me" "his like my brother I'll do it" "tell him to call me when his up and moving" Lilith abruptly hung up, making Davina sigh.

Davina put a protection around them before calling Fernando. Not a minute later he showed up "uh" "relax I know he referred to you as his little sister" Davina let the spell down "so he brought you back" he mused picking the unconscious Loki up "come on" "he said it's time for plan b" Fernando sighed "that's a Loki and his fathers thing I don't know I literally just got to town this morning" he said as they arrive at Lokis mansion.

"Shoot your magic into him" "what" "it will jump start him if it's time for plan b he needs to be up and moving" "your a hybrid can't you" "elemental not like you" "he also told me someone named celli can siphon magic" "Araceli she's probably lurking around but only he will know where" Davina sighs staring at him before shooting magic into him just like he showed her.

I sit up quickly feeling an abnormal amount of electricity pumping through me. It was subduing my vampirism and werewolf side. My witch side was electrified. I could feel the magic running through my veins. "Loki" "don't get close until his eyes go away" I heard Fernando say "davvy" I mumble "he said I had to to wake you up" I nod "here" he said passing me a glass of alcohol and blood. I stumble getting up "I have to see my father before he goes to Marcel" "I should see Marcel" "do what you want Dav be back in a hour" "that when we are leaving" I nod she just smiles nodding before racing away "I need you to come with me and get Kol" I told Fernando as I message Araceli.

I stumble into the penthouse, "Loki" Freya gasped out "I'm fine just recovering from using to much magic uh where my father" "with hope saying goodbye" she said I nod walking into the room. "I thought you left" "yeah I had something to do plus being in a temporary magical coma" he looked up confused. "I know you and she is so important" I begin he reaches out steading me as I stumble moving towards him. "It will never have to do plan b" I said sighing "as we speak Fernando is kidnapping Kol and Celli will siphon the bite out of him...I brought back Davina last night hence the exhaustion" I said taking a breath "the only thing missing is your part" "Loki" "Davina is talking to marcel as we speak she has a protection spell on her so if his not receptive it's ok...I spoke to marcel earlier"

"Didn't think I would see you again" Marcel mused "heard you were stronger had to see for myself" he shrugs "you don't have to fight the way your planning come by my mansion in Arkansas in a year you want to be apart of it your more than welcome otherwise you can come back to your kingdom" "why are you telling me this" "whether we like it or not we both call the same man father and have a baby sister we owe it to not only ourselves but her to figure this out" I said before leaving

"All you have to do is play your part" I encourage my father "I'll let you decide my mansion Arkansas a year from now if you can make it" he knew what I meant. I squeezed his arm before leaving.

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