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Jaide pov

It's was near 4 am and I still head yet to sleep. My head was swimming and every time I closed my eyes something, either shooting, Luke or Eli would pop up.

Didn't helping it was pouring rain, thunder and lightning and windy. The wind and thunder were adding to the constant anxiety I had tonight.

I kept going into these weird zone out spaces too and the images would flash in my head then aswell. With a groan I roll out of bed, turning my light on them the hallway and the kitchen. Maybe a glass of milk will help.

I let out a yelp as I see a figure alseep on the recliner. It turns to me as I go into a dazed state, I know it's my brother but all I can see is Luke.

I screw my eyes shut shaking my head, they walk over to me. "Jay? What are you still doing up?"

I shrug and continue getting my drink. He guides me to the couch, "lay dowm" he orders softly.

I glance up at him, for some reason tears are burning my eyes. I comply and lay down, he sits at the other end after turning the lamp on and kitchen light off.

He moves my feet so they're on his lap and strokes his thumb on my ankle. "Nightmares playing up?" He asks.

I nod.

He sighs "do you know what triggered it?" I shake my head, as I try to think of what it could've been but nothing comes.

"Just one of those nights Ky" I whisper.

A clap of thunder sounds shaking the house, I let out a small scream dropping my glass of milk in the process.

Kyle moves me so I'm laying in his lap, head against his shoulder. "but the milk" I mumble.

"Don't worry about it, I'll deal with it in the morning"

He rubs my back, trying to help me go to sleep. Slowly it works but I force myself to stay awake. If I sleep, nightmares will come.

I vaguely wonder if Brax will agree to a pet to help with these nights. It was annoying having to go to my brothers to calm my mind down. I could never explain how I was feeling except that my mind was racing.

There's noise in the hallway, my drowsy state vanishes as I shoot up looking into the darkness. I see a figure walk past the door only to backtrack and come out to the main area.

"What are yous two doing up still?" Heath asks, voice covered in sleepiness.

Kyle turns his head, "flashbacks" he says.

A frown covers his face, he mumbles a quick hang on. Then disappears only to reappear less then a minute later. He comes around to join us "careful there glass" I warn.

He grabs the broom quickly and sweeps it out of the way, grimacing at the cold wet floor he joins Kyle and I on the couch. Kyle let's me up so I can curl up between them.

One hand holding mine rubbing circles on my wrist and the other on my ankle I slowly drift off no matter how much I fight it, just in time as the sun starts to rise.

When I wake I'm using Heath as a pillow and Kyle is using me as one, I squint as a bright light flashes and Casey grins cheekily at me.

I glare at him "fuck off" I groan.

He notices how tired I am and frowns, he looks at the clock it's barely 6am. "I need more sleep before I'm dealing with questions Case" I tell him, stifling a yawn.

He nods going to get a bean bag he sits it in front of me on the floor, grabbing my leg that's oddly positioned he drapes it over his shoulder. He starts rubbing it as I doze off again.

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