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Jaiden has many nicknames, main one being Jaide, she has Jay which is more of an affectionate nicknames that her brothers and their partners call her, some friends too.

Jay Jay, or aunty Jay Jay is from Darcy and Harley has started saying it too.

Jay baby, is Heaths special nickname for her. Rarely using it, unless she's really upset or he's worried about her.

Jaybird is is something Casey started calling her when he was 3 or 4 not long after she was born and it stuck. Although it's not used often when they muck around it comes out.

Kyle at somepoint picked up on the Jaybird nickname and calls her that when she's worried.

Jaiden Grace, is the last of her nicknames. Something her dad always calls her, her brothers, mainly Heath and Brax use it when she's in trouble.

Jaide has a few nicknames for her brothers, main one being big brother. She calls them that when she's scared or upset.

Kylie is something all of the siblings call Kyle, same with Casey being Case.

Jaide used to call Heath, Heathy when she was scared. When dad would be going off.

Once or twice she has called Brax or Heath dad both is sarcasm at being over protective and when she's upset. She has also on more then one occasion called Ricky mum. None of them mention it to her or bring it up.

Jaide has special relationships with each of her brothers.

Heath and Brax both being the parent roll, protective and supportive. Kyle the one who never judges anything and Casey her partner in crime.

More often than not she would ask Heath for permission with stuff if she knew Brax would say no, where as since Brax was more laid back. She's growing up and we can't stop it, she would go to him for stuff.

The only time she would ask Kyle for things is if it's to hide from their older brothers, like the date she went on with Ace. He helped her get ready.

Casey she would go to when she was in trouble or needed help with something stupid. Like when she snuck out, Casey had covered for her.

When one of the nicknames is used

Jaide pov

After the hostage situation at the Cafe, I was up and down from nightmares. Most nights one of my brothers would stay with me until I fell asleep.

This particular night, they were out and I was waiting for one to get home, only to fall asleep and wake up from a nightmare

*in nightmare*

I was back sitting in that Cafe, the shooter had warned if we didn't hand all our stuff over he would start shooting. Starting with the pregnant lady next to me.

Someone had yet to hand over something so he cocked the gun aiming it, "last warning" he warned. Then he shoots, once, twice, three times.

He turns the gun on me "3.... 2.... 1..." a bang goes off and someone screams

*end nightmare*

The scream I heard was from me. Foot steps fill my ears as Kyle comes into my room.

Sitting on my bed he brings me into a hug "Jay, Jaybird. Shhhh it's ok" he whispers rocking me.

Finally I register that someone was with me. A sob escapes me, as I burry my head in his chest.

He keeps rocking me, and rubbing my back as I begin to calm down. Finally, I can breathe properly.

I pull back, "you ok Jaybird?" He asks. My nose scrunches is distaste for the nickname but I nod.

"I... I think so" I mumble.

He nods laying me back down, tears spring to my eyes as he moves around the room. They disappear when he crawls in with me.

Curling up on his chest, his heartbeat keeps me steady. He reaches over flicking the TV on to put something on.

I don't take much notice and slowly fall asleep. At somepoint he leaves but I don't remember, I only know because he's missing from my bed when I wake up.

Waking up I shuffle out to the lounge room, my brothers are all talking the smell of toast, bacon and coffee reaches me.

Casey is the first to greet me "Hey Jay, you ok?" His blue eyes are full of concern.

I nod, passing him on the couch I join Kyle on the recliner. Casey, Brax and Heath share a look. It wasn't often I went to Kyle for comfort but he was there with me last night.

Kyle shifts slightly so he does spill his coffee. Our other brothers keep staring at us, glaring at them best I can "what" I snap.

They go back to what they were doing. I feel I poke on my nose, glancing up at Kyle. "Yes?" I ask in a sweet voice.

"Be nice" he whispers.

Glaring at him, I don't move but proceed to ignore him for the next hour.

It doesn't take me long to realise my brothers were tiptoeing around me. Climbing off Kyle I go into my room changing into swimmers, coming out I grab the keys to get my surfboard out of the shed.

I come back in glancing at the brothers that surf "coming?" I ask.

There is muffled agreements as they go get ready to join me.

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We head out to the beach and into the ocean to surf

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We head out to the beach and into the ocean to surf.

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