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Set 2 weeks after Jaide has the miscarriage. Cheryl got wind of her being pregnant and has a few choice words to say about it.

Warnings! Name calling, including: slut, and whore. Abuse: backhanded smack across the face. Sexual assault

Jaide pov

It's been 2 weeks since I lost my babies, I was coping as well as could be. Some days were fine others weren't, my brothers, Ricky, Bianca and Ace plus his brother and sister were helping alot.

I had received a letter in the mail from dad in jail, calling me a slut and that he was happy he died. Brax caught a glimpse of that and went to see him to say a few choice words.

Kyle came with me and we burnt the letter, there was a bit of crying on my end but it was best. My emotions were all over the place, if my brothers said something about the babies it would send me into tears. Sometimes if I caught a look at the ultrasound photo on the fridge I would burst into tears too.

My brothers did their best trying to comfort me but they hadn't been through it so didn't know how to help. Casey and Kyle were mainly distracting me, taking me bow and arrow shooting, or to the caves for a swim.

Brax and heath tried keeping me busy too, between surfing and working and helping Heath with Darcy. Ace and his siblings would take me out, or his sister and a few rivergirls would come over and we would have a girls night.

It was helping until it wasn't.

There's a banging on the door, with a groan I roll out of bed. Shuffling to the door one of the brothers beats me to it. "Mum, what are you doing here?" It was Casey.

"Is your sister home? I need a few words with her" there's a slight slur to her words. With a sigh I unlock my door and come out stepping slightly behind Casey.

"Yes mum, what do you want" I say with an eye roll.

"Don't take that tone with me missy. What's this I've heard about you being pregnant" she sneers.

Casey shifts slightly, my eyes cast down stinging as tears threaten to surface. I look back up eyes hardening, "it's a lie" I defend. Casey nodding in agreement.

She pulls something from her bag "sure it is. What is this then?" It's a photo of my ultrasound.

Stepping forward I snatch it from her "who gave this to you" I growl.

I look of triumph comes on her face "so it's true then. My daughter Jaiden Braxton a slut" my eyes widen as do Casey's.

"Really mum" he asks in astonishment.

"What it's true isn't it? Only a slut would get pregnant at 15"

The tears come to my eyes then, I brush them away before they fall and storm off to the main part of my room. I bypass my other brothers going into Casey's room.

I hear Heath call "who was at the door Jay?" But I ignore him.

A few minutes later I hear Heath and mum yelling. A few more horrible words come out, before a smack. There is a bit more yelling then the front door slams.

The door opens revealing Casey, I glance up at him as he joins me on his bed. "Just ignore her" he says softly.

I nod tears coming down my face as a bite my lip holding back a sob. He sighs wrapping an arm around me, "it's ok baby" he sooths.

"Why can't she just say something nice to me. She didn't even ask about my cast, and I'm sure she knows about that too" I whimper.

After having the miscarriage I went in for surgery for my wrist, I now had 2 plates and 8 screws in my hand, arm and wrist.

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