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Jaide pov

Growing up with 3 brothers sucked. My mum mainly focused on them dad too, well mainly Casey and Brax knowing if he pushed Casey too far Brax would snap.

Me and Heath avoided his wrath the most, too. Thanks again to Brax and Casey.

Brax getting custody of us and moving us to the Bay when I was 11 was great except for when I got my period.

I wake up to sharp pain in my belly, tears springing to my eyes, and I fumble for my phone going into my period app. I wasn't due for 3 days.

The stupid thing came early. It also meant I probably didn't have enough stock. Groaning again, I message Casey.


There is a knock at my door. I call saying he can come in.

"Hey Jay, what's wrong?" his brows furrow in worry. I half smile "period" he winces.

"Heat pack?" He asks. I nod.

He heads off to get it, I fall out of bed and slowly make my way to my bathroom. Getting changed, I crawl back into bed, turning my electric blanket all the way up in hopes it will ease my pain.

Casey comes back in with my heat pack, painkillers, water, a block of chocolate, and an extra blanket.

I smile greatfully as he puts everything down and tucks my blanket in. "Want me to call the others?" I shake my head, groaning with it, making me dizzy and nauseous.

My eyes widen "bin" I get out before the little food from last night decides to come back up. Casey had gotten the bin under my chin just in time.

Me throwing up brings my other 3 brothers to my room, I wave them off as Casey tells them it's just my period. Kyle looks concerned. This was my first bad one around him.

I always made a point to tell them since I had been diagnosed with endo and cysts. Sometimes, they would burst and cause horrible pain.

My eldest brothers share a look head off, grabbing the keys. "Is there anything I can do?" Kyle asks.

"New bin?" I ask with a small laugh.

Smiling sympathetically, he takes the bin from Casey to dispose of the bag in it.

Reaching down, Casey grabs my laptop. "How about we watch a movie?" He asks. I hmm in agreement.

He settles in next to me, Kyle comes in with a chair and the bin all clean moments later to join us.

We settle for the Avengers, something I've seen many times and can fall asleep to.

It does just that while we wait for our eldest brothers to get back from whatever they are doing.

It's a few hours later when I wake, mostly pain-free and full of energy. Throwing my covers off, I bound out of the room.

I joined my brothers in the lounge room, and they were playing racing video games. Sitting on the edge of the couch, I watch player 2 get rammed by both 1 and 3 before falling off the edge.

While the car is being regenerated, Heath grabs Casey's controller, causing him player 3 to fall off. Casey smacks him with a laugh.

I sit in quiet until they finish, then grab the controller from Brax before he can press play again.

"Move it," I tell him. "It's my turn." he raises his eyebrows in challenge. Narrowing my eyes, grinning, I throw the controller on the space between my brothers and grab Brax, dragging him to the floor to wrestle with him.

I managed to pin him long enough to get up on the couch before he realised what had happened.

"Getting bit slow there, eh mate?" Heath asks, laughing.

He gets up shoving Heath before making himself comfy on the recliner.

Pressing to play another race, we decide to go on teams. Me and Kyle on blue, Casey and Heath on red.

Racing around, I collect as many coins as possible following my brothers occasionally to ram them so I can get more coins.

Kyle and I win by 40 coins. We high five, we keep playing, and it's all going good until my pain starts again and a grimace crosses my face.

The game is paused immediately, "I'm fine," I tell them with an eyeroll getting up. I head into my room to change my pad and have more painkillers.

Grabbing my heat packs, stick them in the microwave and bring them with me to the couch so we can keep playing.

I glare at Heath until he presses play again.

And then I kick his ass. We sit in comfort, my youngest 2 older brothers bickering over random things when I laugh, remembering the first time I got my period.

They turn to me in confusion, "Just remembering the first time I got my period." Blood drains from Casey's face. It was terrifying.

It was just Casey and I home. We didn't know about Kyle. Heath and Brax at work, I was 11 Casey 14. He knew what they were but not as well as our older brothers.

I came out to get myself something to eat when he asked about the red patch on my pants. Going to my room to check, I screamed, "I'm bleeding."

Casey came running in. I'm crying, saying I'm gonna die. He's trying to comfort me, saying it's ok.

Finally, our elder brothers get home. Casey comes out in a panic, yelling about me bleeding and that I'm gonna die.

After asking when I was bleeding Heath is howling in laughter, Brax has a sympathetic look on his face. He calls his then girlfriend to bring some stuff over while he gets to explain periods and sex to me.

It was the worst conversation I had ever had with my brother, but at least I knew when this happened, I could always get to him.

His girlfriend brings me into the bathroom, showing me how to use pads, tampons, the cups things, and the period undies.

I come out afterwards getting a hug from all of them, I curl up between them watching a movie. I knew I was safe no matter what.

It was funny, but scary. Especially for Casey.

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