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Clenching the dull blue hat in his grip, shivering exceedly from the coldness, he arrived to the forest, to the park.

Among the trees, everything was silent and dark. Through the bushes and among the trees- a few cotton and cloudball like snowflakes were falling from the sky, dancing in the air leisurely- before finally reaching a surface.

He hesitated.

The sharp wind and snow blew him from right, making him tremble and closr his eyes for a heavy second.

Something called him.

He had to step off the peavement and enter the eerie woods.

Didnt realising, he stepped in the bush, and behind it-
to the snow covered, thin path.

As he went on, he wobbled and tumbled, stepping on the slipery branches clumsily, which were hiding under the snow.

The mystic and apocalyptical woods, had darkened, as the sun descended entirely, letting the coldness, the snow, and the darkness to take over the land.

He did not dare to look around, just forward, fearing he would see something he didnt wanted to.

From the gradually increasing wind, the bare and snow-covered trees crunched time to time, making him snap his head towards the source of the sounds nervously.

But everytime, he saw nothing, just the dark shadows, the black surroundings, and the tilting deciduous trees.

Is that a bear in the shadows...?

Or just a dense bush..?

This part of the park and forest was fenced off from the main park.
This place had especially become known for animal attacks.

The bears and wild wolves usually came down from the near mountains and had attacked a bunch of people, causing so far many atrocious deaths among the weaker townhumans.

His heart beated in his throat as he fastened his walk to almost a run, praying that he would just arrive to his destination without being killed by an animal.

He was still just juvenile, not a grown up powerful country. He still would have escaped somehow if it comes to it- but he was in a very weakend state from the recent events, he could be easily killed by a wolf or a bear.

He was about to let a teardrop free from the fear, when he finally arrived to the place where he had left the winged country more than a day ago.

Three oak tree reached up high around him, by his legs- the enormous broken branches laying like vaticides of the unmerciful storm of yesterday.

Nothing moved, the silence and tenseness suffocated the forest, carrying the scent of the impending death and doom that looked back at Hungary from every shadows and from behind every tree.

The wind, which played among the bare crowns of the trees, made a howl sound whenever it touched the branches that dared to crossed its path.

A cold shiver shook his body, his eyes crazily searched the dark shadows of the area. He stepped to the biggest and nearest oak tree- bending to it with his back. If something wanted to approach him and kill him- it would charge from behind...

His breaths were heavy and rugged from the terrifying feeling he felt in his gut.

His gaze wandered to the other two oak tree- trying to spot Romania maybe.

But seemed- the area was abadoned and dormant.

His hand gripped the knitted, downy hat strongly, hugging it to his chest as the wind shook the trees and this time- a true, distant but deadly howl hit his ears.

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