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They headed down the fancy hallway, approaching the third room on the storey.

Austria watched as Croatia excitedly ran to the ornate white door and went in the room.

"Oh Jesus, he acts like a baby, look how excited he is!" Whispered Slovenia to Austria, who just giggled at his comment.

However, his smile slowly faltered.
He felt himself dizzy and really nauseous.

He clenched his stomach and blinked slowly.

What is he doing right now...?

As he tried to comprehend his intentions, something in his mind kept him from making sense to anything.

He had only, one goal in his mind:

to find that flower object...

Everything could return to normal if he will have it. He could turn back everything to the way it had been...

His head throbbed as different thoughts crossed his mind, that he would have never dared to think in his life...

His face darkened.

He stopped for a brief moment and adjusted his glasses.

He glanced at the calm slavic guy next to him. However, he had to blink a few times again, and think hard to remember, who the hell is that person is.

He watched his face, but he couldn't seem to recognise it, just after a few seconds.

He slowed his steps a bit, so Slovenia was walking before him now.

Then, he put his hand to the wall for support and coughed painfully. He tried to silence his coughs as best as he could.

On his hand, the black stuff was again. He hurriedly grabbed out a tissue and cleaned his hand, just in time as Slovenia turned back.

"Are you coming?" He asked kindly.

Austria forced a smile.

"Of course!" He answered him in a way too syrupy voice.

Slovenia slowly nodded.

'Ok? Did I do something?'
He was thinking if he angered Austria with something.

But eventually gave up on his suspicion, and went in the room too.

✧ • ✧ • ✧ • ✧ • ✧ • ✧ • ✧

They had been searching for the object for half an hour now, but they got nowhere.

Austria coughed time to time, but his tissue was there for him.

Slovenia looked at him worriedly. He had asked Austria a couple of times about what was up with him, but gave up when he only received the same 'Im okay' answer for the twentieth time.

"So that thing -" started Slovenia carefully and glanced at the frustrated and perplexed like Austrian, as he was desperately searched for the object. "Is that thing your uncle's relic?"

Austria stopped for a moment and looked at him in frustration.

"What do you mean?" He said back annoyedly and instantly turned around to search for any place in the room where the object could be.

Slovenia was taken aback a bit of Austria's harsh tone.

"Well- uhh," he laughed nervously. "It is interesting to search for a 'powerful magical object' and stuff -- but really - is this like an inherited family thing or why is it so important...?"

Austria spun around and looked at him exasperatedly.

"So you think I have lied? It is truly a magic object! And I need it!" He growled.

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