Chapter 15

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"AH!" Shelly glanced around in bewilderment. "Woah--so bright! Am I in like...whitespace here?" she blinked her eyes. She stepped around and looked all over. "So Gavril's born on the day of that meeting of things or sorts. Charlotte...Tasha...OH! Tasha! The Witch Ma told me to avoid and her daughter. Wasn't that daughter like Jena? Gina? Wowzers! If Tasha is anything like Charlotte...Daayum what a teacher she'll be," she groaned. From the memory, she could tell how much friction existed between the two. "So Gramps went to London..." Before she would finish the thought, the whiteness suddenly faded out and now she found herself in another place. Shelly gaped at the scene in front of her. It was Heaton rolling on the carpeted floor with a little baby giggling nonstop. He was making silly faces as the baby yanked at his hair and pinched his cheeks. "Oh. Em. GEEE! Gavril?! What a cutie pie!!!!" she jumped up and down and ran over for a closer look. The room was the private living room she was in with the Chrys family after dinner. A melodic giggle came from behind her, making Shelly swivel around. Sandri walked in wearing a white robe that covered her silk nightgown. "Isn't it time for bed?"

"Jwush ah whittle ronger," Heaton tried to talk through his cheeks being stretched out by Gavril. Shelly cracked up just watching them. Terrence suddenly rushed in and bowed. "Pack Leader. My Lady. Sir James Scher is here. It's quite urgent," he spoke quickly. Sandri rushed up and took Gavril into her arms. "Go. I'll put him to sleep." Heaton quickly stood up and fixed his hair then dress pants and stretched out his white button up dress shirt. Once he got the sleeves rolled up his forearms properly, he tucked it into his pants. He kissed Sandri on the lips, "Rest well. I'll be up as soon as I can, Little One." He gave Gavril a raspberry on the side of his throat that made the baby cackle and squirm in joy. Sandri laughed and swatted Heaton on the chest on her way out. Heaton went to Terrence who quickly led him out. Shelly rushed after them to see what was going on and hopefully to catch a glimpse of her Grandpa James. 

They went down a flight of stairs and across hallways that led to the formal library Sandri had used to teach Shelly a history lesson. A tall, burly man paced back and forth. He wore stressed jeans that had mud spots and grass stains all over; boots that had seen better days; a tattered checkered blue and green shirt. Loose strands of long hair escaped the hair tie at the nape of his neck and framed his face. A bristly beard that had looked like it hadn't been trimmed in a while grew long and almost down to his chest. "James," Heaton called as he came in. Terrence followed and quickly closed all the doors that led into the room. James turned and faced them. He looked haggard and weary. "Pack Leader," he bowed his head. 

"What is it? Do you need something to drink? Food? Please, sit," Heaton pulled a chair out for him. James thanked him and collapsed in the chair as Terrence rushed through a pair of doors and closed it. Shelly went and stood in the closest corner to the pair that now sat at the oaken table. Terrence rushed back in soundlessly and placed a platter with drinks and food on the table. He popped the glass bottle that contained a brown liquid in it and poured it into two glasses. "I took the liberty to get the brandy, Sir," Terrence said as he placed the glasses in front of the men. He stepped to the side and stood as still as a statue to wait on the two men.

"Oh thank god," James quickly reached for it and gulped down a mouthful. He sighed out loud in contentment. Terrence approached and poured him another as Heaton took a sip of his. "What's the news? Is everything all right?"

"That's one of the problems. Everything worked too well," he spoke. Shelly thought his voice sounded gravelly and a deep baritone like one of those men that didn't need to shout to be heard. He had a prominent British English accent too. He took another chug at the brandy. "It's making me uneasy."

"What word is there from the European paranormal packs?" Heaton sat up and leaned in. James took a cookie from the cookie pile that was very distracting to Shelly. "...The total of Gypsies killed is now at 10. Missing--5. We know that some are part of...I knew some of them from the my days as Pack Leader. They deserted and became loners. Whoever is ordering them around--has got their trust," he clenched the glass, making it crack. 

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